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#2872 170th Street, West Edmonton Mall, Edmonton, Alberta, T5T 4J2, Canada
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Where in the World are Robb and Elissa - 2009

Click HERE to watch our Mindbender POV Video!

"Quirks in the Works" has to be one of the most awesome dark ride names ever!

It's one of them Mack "spin and shoot" dark rides like at Isla Magica.


"Hi! Do you think posting a picture of this French Canadian girl will throw people off?"

Our visit to the park has come to an end, and now it's time to head home. Here is the view from our hotel. Yeah, it's mostly snow!

"Notice that you can only see WHITE outside the window!"

Here we are on the motorway trying not to die!

Apparently, the snow "blows"

There is supposed to be an airport out there somewhere!

"It's ok, we'll make it...our vehicle is really an Autobot!"

"Please take the picture quick so we can go inside!"

Hmm...we are going to need to purchase at least one of these currencies for our 2009 TPR trips!

All there is to eat in our terminal is TOAST! Seriously...it even smells like TOAST!

Here we are on the plane. Um, if you are reading this, it means we actually survived our terrifying take off in the snow...where we couldn't see the runway...and they didn't even bother to de-ice the plane! WTF!

Goodbye Canada! We will miss you! (I think!) =)

For some reason Elissa really liked this little bag of pretzels which had a lot of air in them. She gave it a home, a backstory, and pet it all the way back home. Yeah, I think Canada had a very strange affect on her!

Here we are back home in California. :(

I hope you guys enjoyed another installment of "Where in the World are Robb & Elissa!" And THANK YOU to everyone at Galaxyland and the West Edmonton Mall. We had an AWESOME time and we will be visiting you again during a TPR Tour soon!

Remember, you can read the original thread HERE! which includes other clues and more photos that we posted to trick people!

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