Robb & Elissa's* "June Trip 2001"

Six Flags America, Paramount's King's Dominion, Six Flags New England,
Dorney Park, and Hersheypark, all in 7 days!

"Please let me touch the Intamin ride....PLEEEEASE!!"

Elissa only wants to ride one thing in this picture...can you figure out what that one thing is?

Look!  There's a good ride!  Oh...and the George Foreman Grill is here too.

This is Superman: Ride of Steel. Nuff' Said!

Here is Derek touching Elissa.....

Here is Elissa getting Derek back for touching her!

Intamin ride going into a dark tunnel.....mmmmmm..

Robb was SO HUNGRY that he ate Derek's foot!

Robb tries to grab a ride with the ice cream truck, but they could only fit his chins on board!

Hey look, it's Talon!  Whoopee!!!

"It doesn't hurt! Keep pushing! I *KNOW* I can fit on the ride!"

Everyone gets lots of airtime on the Thunderhawk.

Oh, look!  Talon's vertical loop.  (please see Derek for many hours of video of the vertical loop!)

Tom hasn't even been engaged a week, and he's already tonguing...DEREK?!?!?!

Click here for page 3 of 'June 2001 Trip' photos!

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