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#2872 170th Street, West Edmonton Mall, Edmonton, Alberta, T5T 4J2, Canada
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Where in the World are Robb and Elissa - 2009

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No, you are not seeing double, this is the signature "loop within a loop" photo.


The ride still has the original "accordion restraints" that Schwarzkopf put on the ride. I had heard the ride was very rough, even heard it called "Zonga II" but out of about 16 rides we had, I think we only hit our head once or twice. One thing to remember though, to avoid potential head bashing, make sure these restraints are down as far as they can go and you won't hit your head. Yeah, it may be tight on your shoulders, but that's MUCH better than getting a concussion!

"In this cup is frozen coke and ice cream...OMG, is it GOOOOOOD!"

"I'm not going all the way to Canada without getting my picture with a moose!"

Wow! Joey had no idea there was an exclusive club for him in Canada!

Yup, there is a full size ice rink in the mall, which could mean only one thing....


And yup, there is even a casino for Joey to lose some money at!

Here is one of the many food court/restaurant rows.

"Boston Pizza...for the love of shoes?!?!?"

Ahh, I love stereotypes!

Nothing is going to stop my butt!

Now THIS is my kind of mall shop!

You know, I'm almost sad we're going to miss this.

Right...now back to Galaxyland and their wacky "cereal box" looking characters!

If you can catch a glimpse of what's outside you'll see snow, snow, more snow, cars covered in snow, still more snow, large random mounds of snow, and finally....snow.

I think this is another signature shot.

Notice how the Galaxy Orbiter track is in the background of almost every picture?

It seriously covers what seems like the entire park!

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