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Tokyo Disneyland
1 Maihama, Urayasu, Chiba 279-8511 Japan
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TPR's 2013 Japan Tour

We've done a lot of Tokyo Disney reports now, simply because Tokyo Disney is the best place on earth! In 2013 we visited the parks again and spent 5 days at the resort. I've decided that I'm going to do this report just uploading photos as I took them, so if some things seem a bit out of order or whatever, sorry, that's just how our day went! Enjoy! =)

It was a few days since the first update in this series as we had to do some other Japan stuff. None of that mattered because it wasn't Disney. But now we are back! And it's customary for kids to do pull ups while on the train. (Japanese custom - we don't ask)

It's also customary to take random photos of Japanese girls you don't know! (Note that EVERY SINGLE JAPANESE PERSON has something Duffy on their person!)

That's right! It only costs about $60 to go to Tokyo Disney for a day...but if you want an Annual Pass here, it will cost you about $800!!!!

Yay! We are back! It's Happiness Year!

You see lots of random, rare Disney characters here and the aren't out for a limited time! =)

The Tanabata festival was going on during our visit and I actually really like this time of year at Tokyo Disney.

During Tanabata, you get these cards you can write wishes on to send to these "star crossed lovers" or something like that. (Google it kids)

It's just something really cool and very "Japanese"...

And they get THOUSANDS of these cards attached to the tree thingy (and yes, you get them for free.)

Don't we all...

Yay! We are in Toontown, which is pretty much a mirror image of the one at Disneyland, but it's better because it's not at Disneyland!

Aww, this is cute. I don't have a funny caption for it, so keep on reading.

Yes, they run two trains on it here and almost never stack them. It's amazing!

To me, Gadget's Go Coaster is like the "Quintessential" Vekoma Roller Skater.

Yay! Happy Japanese on a roller coaster!

Here's a video of it for you, just because...

I've always said that Tokyo Disney is like the "Greatest hits" of all the other parks rolled into one. Not sure why this ride never made it to any other parks. Maybe the licensing was too difficult with Amblin being involved, I'm not sure. But it's a GREAT dark ride and I'd love to see it at other parks.

Get the joke?

He's angry... HE's GREEN!

I would love to hammer her!

Here's another video... because we like videos!

Remember this from Pleasure Island?

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