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Theme Park Review's 2009 Scandi Trip!

Next up...Legoland!

We have found Lego Danish Mexicans.

Credit whores? Yup.

"This is a ride sign. Our goal is to have every ride in the park index to have a ride sign. Take pictures of them. DO IT!"

Here is a "never in America" type of moment. Let's just take a look at this for a second. These are kids baking bread over an open fire. Now, let's just think about this concept from the American lawyer's perspective. "So you want to have a bunch of kids stand around an OPEN FIRE and give them something RAW that could make them sick if they eat it? SURE!!! Let's put that in our park!" (This is why I like going to European parks!)

"Legoldmine." See, it works because the "go" is part of Lego and part of Gold.

Legoland is TPR approved!

Rapids ride with a huge drop! (Yes it had Lego water.)

Yay! Extreme Racers take over!

Big Mike and his hero, Indiana Lego.

Lego naked guy.

KidTums gets another kiddie coaster credit!

Lego A380.

Lego fish.

Big Mike hits on our bus driver in the tunnel of fish.

We should tell her "Big Mike has crabs!"

That is one UGLY fish!


Big Mike needs food badly!

The Robocoaster attraction, "Power Builder" was awesome!

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