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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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Sorry I had to dig up this topic.


I sent a message concerning Twisted Twins coming back this summer and This is what they sent me.




Thank you for your comment and interest in Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom. Unfortunately Twisted Twins is not part of our 2009 plans at this time. We are still looking at the area for possible expansion in upcoming years. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me at pshortridge@sftp.com. Have a wonderful Holiday Season. We look forward to hosting you during our 2009 season, opening day is set for April 25th.


Have a great day!


I got that in about 12 hours from when I sent it and it is great they are being honest about it(something Cedar Fair is lacking). While I am disappointed since I will be in the area next year for Diamondback and all. I will still visit SFKK and again when the twisted twins do reopen.


Well, that saved me a trip there. I want to go, but want to wait until at least one side of Twisted Twins is running to justify a 6 hour drive each way.


I am a huge wooden coaster fan and I think Twisted Twins is probably the lamest coaster in the park (Though T2 was running surprisingly good when I went). I found SFKK interesting and a diomond in the rough.

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I thought that Twisted Twins was a fun but average coaster. I think one reason I like it is because, even with the g-trains, the ride was pretty smooth, and I didn't get the crap beaten out of me like I expected. The coaster is still average though, and it's a shame really, because the layout could be so much better with the amount of land it uses.


Kentucky Kingdom is a nice park though, but it is probably the worst of the three down there(HW, KI, SFKK). I haven't been to the other three, so I'm just going by ride selection(KI, HW) and service(HW). The coasters are alright, but they didn't seem to be running as well in 2008 as they did in 2006. Unlike the fun relatively smooth ride it was when I rode in 2006, T2 beat me up, and Chang was also rougher, although nothing too bad.


The lack of shade can be a problem, and it was in 2008 when it was probably around 90 when I went. The service was okay though. The employees weren't rude, but one train operation wasn't good. The lines weren't long when I went, but one train operation made the wait time long. Oh well, Kentucky Kingdom is inexpensive compared to Great America, and there is always Greezed Lightning, so I would still go again.

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I always had a good time on Twisted Sisters, the dueling effect was pretty decent for being one of, if not, the first of its kind. Two Train operation of course always moved that line pretty well.


I hope it doesn't get removed, but what can you do, the area back there is limited and could be used for something else.


T2 on the otherhand just needs to go bye-bye.

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^He must have caught the park on a bad day, because it really isn't as bad as he described it...


Granted, the park isn't in as good of shape as it was in 2006/7, it's definitely not horrible by any means.


It definitely wasn't just a "bad day." I can usually tell if it's a bad day. These were hands down the worst employees I have ever seen. They were lazy, slow, ineffecient, rude, and unhelpful. It took ten minutes to load on train on Thunder Run. That's not something that just happens for one day. That's a serious problem with staff training.

On top of that, the only rides I enjoyed were Chang and Thunder Run (I'm sure I would have loved Deluge, but I couldn't get to it). T2 is one of the two or three roughest coasters I have ever ridden, if not the roughest. Twisted Twins is long, pointless, and slow.

Incidentally, this was the same day as the S:ToP accident, which only happened because of employee inefficiency.


I don't mean to badmouth the park. I did really like Thunder Run and S:ToP was good before the accident. Chang's smoothness really surprised me, and I'm sure I would have enjoyed Deluge if I'd had the chance to ride it. But at the same time, some of the stuff I saw there was inexcusable.

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  • 6 months later...

It would seem that the trains for Twisted Twins have been sent to Six Flags St. Louis!


That can only mean that either Twisted Twins is going to get new trains and a full re-hab or that the coaster's days are numbers (and it's already been closed for what, two seasons?)


Here is the link to the article on screamscape:

http://www.screamscape.com/html/six_fla ... ingdom.htm


And here is a picture of the trains sitting at SFSL:


Anyone know more about this?



Edited by larrygator
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Based purely on guess I dont see why they would send the trains to another park for storage unless....that property were to close.


<-- Calling it now, SFKK is doomed

(Astroworlds Batman sent for storage at Darien Lake, Astroworlds Rapids rafts being sent for storage at Great America)


Edit: Just remembered SFSTL has a Gerstlauer so its prolly there for parts (ala Shockwave SFGAms trains going to SFMM and GADV). Ah well, someday SFKK will be doomed...

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Sad to see the ride go, but I expected it's days were numbered when the whole section of the park it is in was closed off. The ride took up a large area, but it didn't seem to do much. Sure it was fun, but it just seemed pretty tame when I rode it in 2006. However, it was one of the smoothest wooden coasters I've ridden even with the dreaded g-trains. Hopefully a euro-fighter, mega-lite, or GCI takes it's place.


I like Kentucky Kingdom, but it has some problems that need to be fixed.


What I think SFKK needs

-new paint and trains for T2

-a few new large flats

-dark ride

-new major coaster

-clean up area around Chang

-multi-train operation would also help on some rides



Kentucky Kingdom has potential, and while it won't be able to match Kings Island because of space limitations and Kings island's better reputation(although Six Flags doesn't seem to have a good reputation with the GP in general), it can still pull guests in who might have considered going to Holiday World instead. (sorry Paula)



Edit: ^ While I'd be sad to see it go, it probably wouldn't be missed much. Those who live in the area are lucky in that they would still have Holiday World, Kings Island, and Beech Bend. I have family down in Kentucky, and they've never been to Kentucky Kingdom, but go to Kings Island instead despite the fact that it is just as easy if not easier to get to Kentucky Kingdom. I think that describes the parks ability to survive if nothing happens to the park in terms of major investments.

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As the screamscape article also mentions, the trains for Mega Zeph were sent to SF St. Louis as well.


Right now The Boss and Medusa at SF Mexico "I think" are the only two Six Flags CCI's running Gerstlauer trains. Could these trains be so bad where they need replacement parts quite often or does it mean something more? I think so.


Or think about this, with New Orleans complaining about Six Flags removing rides, could it be that they'll just ship the Zeph trains back down there again. (not the wisest idea, but it get them off their back... Mega Zeph won't ever run again, anyway.)


I think Twisted Twins is a goner. It took up a lot of room and needed several attendants to keep it running, plus, it rarely ever ran both sides anyway and add the fact that it was way back in East Jesus.

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My god -.- The ride is going to be demoed this off-season i can tell you that. This irratates me so much.


Why i cant have one ride that doesnt kill me(thunder run, T2) i dont know. They better be replacing the whole back section with something new, and really good.


This park really generates a lot of revenue for the city of louisville and if this goes, Louisville will be hurting.

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It is worth it. The free waterpark is the seller. And take your own risk on T2. How T2 hasnt had a accident/injury yet is beyond me. Thunder Run is ok. It used to be better but they cut their budget for replacing the track and just did the drop, and about 3-5 other sections, which was all about 10-15 ft long each section so it barely changes anything.

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Got a question for those that have been to SFKK. Is the park worth a visit over a 4th day at Universal Studios FL? We are thinking about stopping on the way down or back, but unsure of if it is worth it.




No, I would not say it is worth the visit. The only way I would recommend this park is if you really want 6 more credits.


I think Six Flags would be better off selling SFKK (and SFA), and giving some of their rides to other Six Flags parks.


When I visited SFKK for the first time a couple weeks ago, it was horrible. Every coaster except Roadrunner ran one train, and when the trains on the coasters finally would come in the station, the ride operators would just be talking to each other and were in no hurry to open gates/check restraints/send the trains out.


IMO, it's just a bad park that is ruining Six Flags' reputation.

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Got a question for those that have been to SFKK. Is the park worth a visit over a 4th day at Universal Studios FL? We are thinking about stopping on the way down or back, but unsure of if it is worth it.




No, I would not say it is worth the visit. The only way I would rocommend this park is if you really want 6 more credits.


I think Six Flags would be better off selling SFKK (and SFA), and giving some of their rides to other Six Flags parks.


When I visited SFKK for the first time a couple weeks ago, it was horrible. Every coaster except Roadrunner ran one train, and when the trains on the coasters finally would come in the station, the ride operators would just be talking to each other and were in no hurry to open gates/check restraints/send the trains out.


IMO, it's just a bad park that is ruining Six Flags' reputation.


Its not a bad park. Its very popular. And like i said If this park closes, down goes Louisville's revenue. And we need it especially if they are gonna try to build a new Arena for UL basketball, 2 new bridges for those stuck up east enders -.- and all this other crap, KY and the city are throwing their money at. The only thing qrong with KK is that they got a bad rep because of 1 accident that wasnt even six flags fault.

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