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Erik & Smisty's Evergreen Oddventures

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It seems like the place screams 'tourist trap', but in a slightly less creepy terrible way.


I prefer the term, "Oddventure Opportunity."


Miners Landing is a bit odd, but I really like Wings Over Washington.

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Did you have to share with any others, or were y'all the VIP-i-est?


Oh, the VIPpiest of VIPs. Of course, there were three of us, and there's only four seats in it anyway. But I believe that even on your own, you get the private cabin, free/included photo, t-shirt, and adult beverage, and are escorted passed the line. Of course, it's $50 per person, but you can't put a price on experience, right?


Or, rather, you can, and it's $50.

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How long was the "round trip" on the Wheel? I did The Eye in London with TPR, but I can't remember how long that took for a full circle flight. Hmmm. The Japanese ferris wheels Ive ridden, were usually somewhere between 15-20 minutes, but that's those wheels. This was obviously a much longer time spent on it.

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How long was the "round trip" on the Wheel?


Um...I honestly don't know. Sort of a standard amount of time for a normal Ferris Wheel? Like, 5 minutes, maybe? Nothing crazy.


I wish I had a better answer. But thank you for all your support!

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Luna Park Cafe


Designed by Charles Looff, Seattle's Luna Park operated from 1907 to 1913 on the site of what is now Anchor Park in West Seattle. About two miles away, in 1989, an existing West Seattle neighborhood tavern closed, rebranded, and reopened as a tribute to that bygone era.


Having become a bit of a West Seattle institution, the Luna Park Cafe can attract quite a crowd.


Luckily, there are photo opportunities. We couldn't quite figure this one out, though. Our best guess is that you're supposed to stand next to it...?


Okay, so it's less "specifically Luna Park memorabilia" and more "kitschy crap on the wall," but still.


I took this photo* of Luna Park.


*(of a photo on the wall)


Allegedly the world's largest guitar. But even without Googling it, I have some doubt.


The menu gives you some history of Luna Park, "the Coney Island of the West."


I don't think even Elvis would've had a milkshake with his peanut butter, bacon, and banana waffle.


Elvis was a little bitch.


It does like the authentic Batmobile...but I don't remember ever seeing Batman wear a red top hat....


Down the road a bit stands Anchor Park. Luna Park was quite a bit larger and went out over the water more. They say that when the tide is low enough, you can see the old pilings--but, frankly, I'm just not that patient.


I mean, I'll wait a cycle to get a train in my shot, but that's some Gwazi-level shite right there.


Was this update stupid? Yeah, probably. But, until a few months ago, I didn't even know that there had been a Luna Park in Seattle. So now you know, too!


Unless you already knew.


Crap, everyone knew that except me, didn't they?


The waffle was good.

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But - wouldn't the world's largest guitar be at...Hollywood Studios?


Great look at a really home-grown place to visit. Seattle has some awesome kitschy places to see.


Best Wishes w/ Happy Dishes!

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  • 2 months later...

Riverfront Park


If Seattle is the straight-A prom king quarterback of the Foosball team at Washington State High, then Spokane is the little brother who resents the comparison. It's also the smallest city to ever hold a World's Fair, and not because it had something to prove or anything. But if you're thinking about marrying Seattle, just know that he'll never be faithful to you the way that Spokane would be.


Much like the first post of this thread explored the 1962 World's Fair via Seattle Center, this post will explore Expo '74 through Spokane's Riverfront Park.


Riverfront Spokane is located along the Spokane River near downtown Spokane, a city famous for creatively naming things, such as Bing Crosby.


What drew us here in particular is this SkyRide. While I'm sure it originally loaded and unloaded in a continuous fashion, it now has its cars grouped relatively tightly into "trains" of three, which stop to load and unload. This results in a rather strange skyride experience as you alternate between moving a couple of hundred feet and stopping for a minute or two, throughout the entire length of the ride.


On the other hand, it offers lots of steady photo opportunities and a fairly lengthy ride, so that's...fine?


Heading away from the station. Note the roller skating rink/course on the right that becomes an ice skating rink/course during the winter.


But where are we going? Not up a hill, but down one and across a river, then under a bridge to a turnaround, and back up. Just one station on this skyride, but a lovely view.


I was promised a skyride that went in front of a waterfall, and while that's not technically inaccurate, it's not quite as grand as the picture I had in my mind. Still, it's weird and awesome and unique, and that's my jam, so put me down as satisfied all the same.


Of course, you can also explore the park and the river on foot. There are also a number of pedestrian bridges--which, again, I am for.


Proof that we actually went here.


This is what normal people do, right? They take their own photos in front of impressive scenery?


"Hey, down in front, you two. I wanna see what those rocks look like!"


Don't be a pussy. Maybe there's free candy down there.


Ever seen a clocktower before? Oh yeah, well, have you ever been inside one? I sure hope so, because you can't go in this one.


Inside the Pavilion. During the World's Fair, this was used for stuff.


Inside this building is the Looff carousel that used to be at Natatorium Park, Spokane's lost amusement park.


Reach for the brass ring!


Well, these are actually plastic, of course. But still! And instead of a clown's mouth, you have to throw it into a bucket that's being held by a goat.


Wait, does that say, "Garbage Goat"?


Life's a never ending wheel.


No one's gonna get that.


If you get that, let me know in some subtle way. Like, with a photo of a dragon or something.


The gift shop.


Wait, what's the deal with the goat?




Here you go, Spokane's unofficial mascot, the Garbage Goat.


From RoadsideAmerica.com:

"It was part of the anti-pollution message," said Karen Mobley, former director of the organization Spokane Arts. "Teach our children not to throw trash on the ground. Put it in a garbage can or give it to a goat."


(Psst. No one tell Spokane about Efteling.)


"I'm an artist. But I work with metal primarily for the boobs."


It's a slide. And it's cooler than anything in your hometown.


Look, I'm not above making provocative statements just to get replies.


The fourth Indiana Jones movie is better than the third one.


Hey, it's night now! Weird.


Is heaven missing an angel?


Because I found their harp.


There may be a follow up to this report about the parking garage in the background. I'm not kidding.


During the World's Fair, this mesh did not have lights on it.


I exist to educate.


Remember, kids, if you find a piece of trash on the ground, feed it to a goat.

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The 3rd film was the 2nd best in the series.


Woo! My gambit worked!


Hopefully, the Disney parks will take the opportunity this downtime affords to add Shia LaBeouf into their Indiana Jones rides!

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The 3rd film was the 2nd best in the series.


Woo! My gambit worked!


Hopefully, the Disney parks will take the opportunity this downtime affords to add Shia LaBeouf into their Indiana Jones rides!




I came here to kill Nazis and kick Shia LaBeouf's ass up and down the street. I'm fresh out of Nazis, and I have 1.3 miles of street left with Shia LeBeouf's ass written all over it.


Guy "You drew first blood dude. You drew first blood!" Koepp

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