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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 276: Penguin Trek construction update!

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As far as Beer Band and BBQ goes, It looks like SeaWorld will not announce the lineups up front, and will announce them the Wednesday before to prevent the bands breaking contract. If they break the contract, they'll be forced to pay SeaWorld. Win/Win for SeaWorld, and we still have big acts!

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^At this point if a band signs up, they know well what they're getting themselves into. And while I'm not a particular fan of either new act, it appears that these are both bigger, more current acts to bring in than any of the ones that dropped. All I can say is that SeaWorld has done a great job with the signing of these two acts, putting out a very strong statement that despite all that has happened with this event, they can still deliver quality entertainment for their guests and move forward.


I'll definitely be going out of my way within the next few weeks to check out Bands, Brew & BBQ regardless of what other bands join the lineup. The event features incredible food, and that alone is reason for me to return!

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^ Hope to see a PTR!


I agree with some in that while I'm not a fan of the two performers, it's nice to see that someone finally stepped up to the plate. It's too bad that we will miss this event by one week, although we still have plans to visit this park as well as Busch Gardens during the week of the 17th!

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^ Kid Rock has previously "declared war" on PETA so I'm sure the more people who post the more fun he will have with the issue come Sunday. I'm actually looking forward to seeing how he adapts (if at all) his R-rated show to a theme park... I'm sure he'll have some interesting things to say.

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Not to steer the topic off of Blackfish and Beers, Bands, and BBQ, but I've been thinking about the rumored 2015 coaster.


Right now the park has Shamu Express for the little kids and then the next step up is Journey to Atlantis (which most people don't even think of as a coaster). But the jump from Journey to Atlantis to Kraken and Manta is pretty big. So instead of the Wing Coaster that I've seen people talking about, maybe we could see a family coaster?

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Not to steer the topic off of Blackfish and Beers, Bands, and BBQ, but I've been thinking about the rumored 2015 coaster.


Right now the park has Shamu Express for the little kids and then the next step up is Journey to Atlantis (which most people don't even think of as a coaster). But the jump from Journey to Atlantis to Kraken and Manta is pretty big. So instead of the Wing Coaster that I've seen people talking about, maybe we could see a family coaster?


I haven't heard Wing Coaster, but I have heard B&M Hyper somewhere between the Nautilus theatre and Happy Harbor.

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Today Theme Park Review had the chance to check out this year's Bands, Brew, & BBQ event at SeaWorld Orlando. A personal favorite of mine thanks to the quality food and entertainment brought in, this six-week long event adds significant value to this already incredible park! This weekend's lineup includes Alan Jackson and Kid Rock with upcoming acts still to be announced. It should be noted that, despite the significant negative publicity over Blackfish and a good number of bands dropping out of their commitment to the event, you'd NEVER know it by walking through the park. The park was busy throughout our visit, filled with people enjoying the great food, the delicious beer, the warmup entertainment and of course, the headliner act. And while we couldn't stay to see Alan Jackson himself, the Atlantis Bayside Stadium where he was performing was nearly filled to capacity over an hour and a half before the show was supposed to start!


SeaWorld is continuing to add a "Sea of Surprises" to its parks as a part of its 50th Anniversary Celebration, but in the meantime, you can always count on the parks' seasonal events like Bands, Brew, & BBQ to give you even more reason to go visit!


Work walls have sprung up in the park in preparation for the upcoming 50th Anniversary Celebration in the SeaWorld Parks and the "Sea of Surprises" that will come with it!


But this is why we were here today!


Each year, the event gets additional sponsors and gets a little bigger and a little better!


SeaWorld Orlando's special events section gets redressed between Shamu's Halloween Spooktacular, the Christmas Celebration, Bands, Brew, & BBQ, Viva La Musica and Summer Nights throughout the year.


This fire pit was a new addition to the waterfront stage area.


There is a lot of amazing food here, but we'll get back to that soon enough...


This is after all known as Bands, Brew, & BBQ!


For those interested in the Brew side of things, there's this fantastic option to sample ten craft brews from along the waterfront.


You get this awesome little badge that gives you the chance to enjoy some fine beer!


And perhaps some cider too...


Yes. We do like bands. We do like BBQ. But we especially like Brew!


Some of the great breweries in Florida have brought their beers to Bands, Brew & BBQ!


And without question, the food here is very popular too!


And with food this good, why wouldn't it be?


If there's one thing we learned from Delgrosso's, it is just how important THE SAUCE can be for a theme park.


Here I am eating a bacon wrapped jalapeño. Moments later my face turned raspberry red and steam blew out of my ears and nose.


We love Shamu!


This weekend's lineup is sure to be extremely popular!


This was almost an hour and a half before the concert was set to start.


It wouldn't be a SeaWorld event without some live animal ambassadors present!


And how could you have a BBQ event at SeaWorld without some of SeaWorld's own fabulous ribs?


More great brew too!


It goes without saying, we really, really love Bands, Brew, & BBQ! And we'll definitely be coming back for this year's event is over!

Edited by jedimaster1227
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We were here today for this event, and had a really good time. Great food, and a great beer selection for a good price. Highly recommend you guys check it out if you are on the fence. A good concert is a great way to end a day here. Alan Jackson was very good!

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One thought about today's event...does this usually go up against the Superbowl? Seems odd to have such a high profile performer (Kid Rock) on Superbowl Sunday when I'd assume a lot of his audience will be watching the game.


They also have to compete with Dowton Abbey on PBS.


That is an interesting point--maybe it had to do with the availability of performers? Having a "SeaWorld Super Bowl Party" tied in to the concert would've made some sense. Then again, the show might be over in time for people to still catch the game.

Edited by cfc
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Thanks for the report, guys!


This is something that I am definitely going to have to check out in the coming years at one of the Busch parks.


Edit: That totally stinks that we are going to miss this event at Busch Gardens Tampa by ONE week!


Oh the horror of it all...


My local brewery will even be there. Anyone going, please make sure you try the Southern Tier....it's really good stuff!

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