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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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It's SFNE's flashback with it's colors photoshopped. I didn't expect anyone to think that this was a concept art for the SFSTL.... I was just pointing out what the ride's full color scheme will look like once finished... LOL


But the ride looks like its making great progress with the lifts already up. Don't see why Memorial Day isn't an option.

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^Just for the I got that from a website not-affilated with the park... someone did that in their spare time...


but to answer your question quite a few parks use rides from other parks in their advertisements and promo material. Welcome to the world of Photoshop my friend. You have a lot to learn.



SFSTL has released photos on its facebook:




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Can you be any more negative about this attraction? It's a Boomerang. Big freaking deal. Be happy it's not an S&S Screaming Squirrel.

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The park received another train that is black with a red stripe on it, along with the trains that Flashback was running in Texas (ones that are in the parking lot). Whenever the ride opened in 1989 it had a black and red paint job and sometime in the late 90's it was repainted to the blue and pink paint it had until it closed, so I would think that the black train is probably the original train the ride ran in 1989. I think that the other train may be from the Vampire from Kentucky Kingdom, whenever the ride was moved to SFNE in 2000 it got new trains in New England, so the old train was probably sent to Texas for parts, but I don't really know. I believe that Six Flags St. Louis has 5 80's model Arrow trains at the park right now for use on Ninja, Boomerang and for parts.

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I believe that Six Flags St. Louis has 5 80's model Arrow trains at the park right now for use on Ninja, Boomerang and for parts.

The 'Sanford and Son' of Coaster Parts ... ha. Talk about a Boneyard.

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Can you be any more negative about this attraction? It's a Boomerang. Big freaking deal. Be happy it's not an S&S Screaming Squirrel.


I could be way more negative, if I tried. I'm enjoying this new attraction strictly because it really is hilarious. Especially the fact that people will want to pay money to go ride a headache machine tied with Boomerang at WOF for worst roller coaster in Missouri! People in St. Louis, dated at least 10 years behind the rest of the country, will fall for anything. How does that NOT strike you as humorous?


Boomerang or S&S flaming squirrel, I'm still not going to the park next year.


Now... Let the laughs continue.

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Those blue trains look like the same ones we had here at SFOT. Sure was hoping you guys would get some new ones. I assume they'll be painted a different color, the current blue color scheme doesn't match the the new orange and green paint job on the ride itself.

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Can you be any more negative about this attraction? It's a Boomerang. Big freaking deal. Be happy it's not an S&S Screaming Squirrel.


I could be way more negative, if I tried. I'm enjoying this new attraction strictly because it really is hilarious. Especially the fact that people will want to pay money to go ride a headache machine tied with Boomerang at WOF for worst roller coaster in Missouri! People in St. Louis, dated at least 10 years behind the rest of the country, will fall for anything. How does that NOT strike you as humorous?


Boomerang or S&S flaming squirrel, I'm still not going to the park next year.


Now... Let the laughs continue.


If you don't like what the park has done recently, why do you keep talking about it? Nobody is being forced to spend money at the park, and everyone has their own opinions. If someone enjoys a Boomerang, let them!

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Boomerang actually looks good in that spot, Better than it did at SFoT, however those trains are an issue. Why on earth they would bring those trains with the level of damage, age, and amount of money its gonna cost to fix them.

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^ I think the reason they are using the old Arrow trains is because Ninja probably on its way out soon, so they will have plenty of parts for Boomerang, they also have another train from SFOT which came from Flashback at SFNE before it moved (this is the train they will probably use).


I think that the location for this Boomerang is really good with the clift and the path going under the Cobra Roll. Hopefully this will have good landscaping lik Goliath at SFNE.

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^ I think the reason they are using the old Arrow trains is because Ninja probably on its way out soon


I hope you are right, the Ninja's self life is over here. I would like to see it replaced with Medusa from Great Adventure, or anything substantial for that matter.

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If you don't like what the park has done recently, why do you keep talking about it?




^ I think the reason they are using the old Arrow trains is because Ninja probably on its way out soon


I hope you are right, the Ninja's self life is over here. I would like to see it replaced with Medusa from Great Adventure, or anything substantial for that matter.


I used to think the same thing. I rode Medusa the year it opened, and I loved it. However, I rode SFMM'S clone last year and I never realized how forceless the ride is. It's almost behind the times.

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^ I think the reason they are using the old Arrow trains is because Ninja probably on its way out soon


I've been hoping for this to happen for years. Boomerang could easily fill the role as "My First Looping Coaster" for the kiddos, and while the footprint for Ninja is on the small side, an Intamin Impulse or something Dare Devil Dive-ish would go great there.

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while the footprint for Ninja is on the small side, an Intamin Impulse or something Dare Devil Dive-ish would go great there.


You are right, the Ninja's footprint is small but there is plenty of Spillover to the East of that site, over the Train Tracks and south of the Graveyard. Plenty of room for Medusa or something similar.

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If you don't like what the park has done recently, why do you keep talking about it?




^ I think the reason they are using the old Arrow trains is because Ninja probably on its way out soon


I hope you are right, the Ninja's self life is over here. I would like to see it replaced with Medusa from Great Adventure, or anything substantial for that matter.


I used to think the same thing. I rode Medusa the year it opened, and I loved it. However, I rode SFMM'S clone last year and I never realized how forceless the ride is. It's almost behind the times.


Forceless? I think you're mistaking that for comfort. B&Ms are designed from the heart line so you're body isn't placed uncomfortably anywhere in the ride.

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