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Marineland Discussion Thread

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It's sad, but it doesn't surprise me.


Marineland has had a bad reputation for years about their animal care. They've been in the news in recent years for having killer whales die well before their life expectancy.


They also still market Dragon Mountain as the worlds largest steel roller coaster.

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I guess I must have been the only one to notice things on the TPR trip. Most of the deer in "deerschwitz" had terrible fight marks and/or holes in their ears not from lets say putting a tracking tag in but antler sized holes, and quite a few of the deer had other gaping wounds and blood and stuff.


Also the bears looked a bit scraggly and at this point in the season, shouldn't be shedding the way the one bear was.


I heard the rumours about Marineland being horrible to animals, and my animal loving instincts told me I was going to hate what I saw and I was right.


Even the worker at Dragon Mountain's entrance who started talking to me for like 10 minutes wanted the owner of the park to let's just say, move on so someone else can come in and make the park into what had been promised, with more bathrooms, better food choices, better practices for animals, etc.

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^I think so he was the guy at the entrance to dragon mountain. He's also the guy that's been lobbying for bathrooms near Dragon Mountain for quite a few years now.


I'm pretty sure if I hadn't been so exhausted from Leviathan Bash, I wasn't as upset as I would have been normally. Even though I did want to see if what I had been seeing from things on the internet were true, and from what I can tell they are, I have no desire to give that place money ever again.

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Absolutely sickening. I really feel for those poor animals.


Almost makes me want to boycott the place, but for one thing, I'm not really the type to do that, and for another, I do visit various animal attractions here and there and in many cases I don't have concrete proof they're any better. It can be way too easy to keep stuff hidden.

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I have no problems boycotting places I have issues with. But it kind of boggles my mind that a place that charges so much for pretty much nothing can't use that money to actually take care of the animals and the park itself.

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$50 to get in is really too expensive. Then all drinks are like 16oz cups and cost 2.75, *if* you can find a place that's open. I think it was Shawn and I that heard two older ladies leaving the park and saying "There is nothing to do here" in disgust. In other words, maybe attendance is lacking due to lack of stuff to do which in turn means cheaping the care.


I honestly don't know what to think here. Disgruntled employees could factor in, but like was said earlier, these people do this because they love it, not because of the pay. That aquarium did have a nasty smell but many zoos do. In this case however, it shouldn't have therefore I am inclined to believe that the preponderance of the story is factual.

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Where's PETA in this?


They have been involved with this place for a long time. It's sad that it takes interviews with former staffers to get this to be news. When PETA has said anything in the past people have just rolled their eyes.


PETA has mostly themselves to blame for that. All those years of publicity-grabbing stunts have made most of the public immune to their message.


But I agree that something needs to be done about Marineland. The poor animals' situation there sounds deplorable.

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Response from Marineland (http://www.marineland.ca/general/general_information/#)


From the start, my vision for Marineland® was to create an interactive facility where people would be able to get as close to animals as possible. I strongly believe that the only way for people to really develop an understanding and deep appreciation for animals is for them to be able to get close to these wonderful creatures. Many years of experience and observation allowed me to see that, in general, people are fascinated by animals and have a great desire to learn about them.


The overwhelmingly positive response we received from guests when we introduced Friendship Cove™ in 1998 confirmed my beliefs and observations. Guests tell us that being able to get so close to a killer whale is just a dream come true. Encouraged by this feedback, we decided to introduce, Arctic Cove™;, an interactive whale habitat that is designed to allow guests the opportunity to touch, feed and learn to better appreciate another unique and special marine mammal - the beluga whale. Parents have told us that the contact with the marine mammals and trainers have inspired their children to declare their desire to pursue a career in marine mammal studies.


I have dedicated my life to developing one of the world's best facilities for animal and marine mammal care, where guests can learn about animals through an exciting mix of entertainment and education. Marineland staff members and I consider each Marineland animal resident a member of the family. I will spare no expense when it comes to the health and well being of the animals in my care.


I invite you to visit Marineland where you will meet and learn about some of the most magnificent creatures with whom we share this planet.




John Holer

President and Owner

Marineland of Canada Inc.

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Yeah that place was pretty depressing to be honest. There was more greenery on the walkways than inside the deer pen. Like stated before, there wasn't too much to do. You'd walk a half mile, ride a flat, walk another half mile, ride a flat, and there would be no food places or anything really open in between. But I'm not too concerned about that over the safety and well being of the animals, so let's hope it improves or someone else takes over.

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There are so many issues with Marineland, that I'm not sure where to start. My last visit to this place was probably around 12-14 years ago.


This is absolutely horrible. But as things like this receive more attention, visitors to Marineland decline. Lower attendance means lower revenue. Lower revenue means less staff and worse conditions for the poor suffering animals there. It's a nasty downward spiral.


If the financials of this place continue to get worse, I really think the only option is to close it down. I can't imagine another company wanting to come in and purchase this site. Let's look at the most likely of groups, SeaWorld.


Marineland would basically need to be completely flattened and re-built from scratch. The current buildings are so out-dated and in some cases, dilapidated that I doubt SeaWorld would salvage them. If you've ever been to a SeaWorld park, they're absolutely beautiful. Can you imagine the cost in building new buildings and the extensive landscaping that would be required? Aside from some gardens near the entrance and around attractions, I remember the entire place being mostly overgrown (definitely NOT SeaWorld's style).


Of all the animal exibits, the only area that may be up to SeaWorld standards is Arctic/Friendship cove. The main stadium at Marineland is small when considering some of the massive tanks/stadiums that SeaWorld keeps its animals in. Never mind the other tiny tanks Marineland uses (or has used in the past). And by the sounds of things, there are no holding areas that are acceptable (humane) to use. I doubt SeaWorld would be keeping animals in a large building with a single skylight as the only source of natural light...


And of course, on top of all this the PR nightmare of trying to convince everyone that the old, horrible Marineland conditions no longer exist. I really don't know what lies ahead for Marineland but whatever it is, I hope the animals there are able to hold on until it happens.

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I just read the article and I gotta say, even coming from someone that dosen't have a problem with hunting or eating meat, this is just SICK what they're doing. No living thing should have to go through that sort of torture, no matter what the speicies. Hell, If I hear a news story about a dog or a horse being abused...I find it really heartbreaking, you know?

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Just being there with TPR makes me upset to know the animals could be living in unsafe conditions. The park seemed to be busy for the price and we were there on a Monday. The only area I really "noticed" poor conditions was the indoor aquarium area near the front of the park. The animals in that area just seems to be the "rejects" of the park.


Hopefully things change at the park but it seems like people still go there and spend the money!


I think it was Shawn and I that heard two older ladies leaving the park and saying "There is nothing to do here" in disgust.


That was the quote of the day and she really did say it with disgust....very pissed off!

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You're right, instead of just boycotting FastLane, boycott the Nation of Canada as well. You make it seem as though every Canadian is okay with the seal hunt and therefor is okay with the horrible way Marineland is treating their animals...


I expect MUCH more from my Canadian representatives in government. Unfortunately, money often speaks louder than the words/protests spoken by small groups. Hopefully this article will lead to larger groups that will be heard.

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Where's PETA in this?


They have been involved with this place for a long time. It's sad that it takes interviews with former staffers to get this to be news. When PETA has said anything in the past people have just rolled their eyes.


PETA has mostly themselves to blame for that. All those years of publicity-grabbing stunts have made most of the public immune to their message.


But I agree that something needs to be done about Marineland. The poor animals' situation there sounds deplorable.


Chuck - I completely agree with you. That is certainly one thing that I dislike about PETA, and caused me to disaffiliate myself with the organization for the most part. Their hearts are certainly in the right place, and they are EXTREMELY hard workers there, but their minds are in the wrong place. They truly believe that any publicity is good publicity, but that is just total bubble thinking on their part. They don't realize what kind of a name they are making for themselves in the public eye.


All I was referencing was the comment of "Where is PETA in all of this?", when they have been working on getting this park up to standards for many years:





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You're right, instead of just boycotting FastLane, boycott the Nation of Canada as well. You make it seem as though every Canadian is okay with the seal hunt and therefor is okay with the horrible way Marineland is treating their animals...

Yes, I also think every Canadian lives in an igloo, skates to/from work, and dines solely on Tim Horton's and Canadian bacon.

Way to miss the point, chief.

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Also, keep in mind we're talking about a nation that still legally allows up to 400,00 harp seals to be clubbed to death each year. And yet some "enthusiasts" are more concerned about boycotting "fastlane" procedures instead.


What was the point with this comment? I'm not sure what the seal hunt has to do with the horrible conditions reported at Marineland.


I understand where you're going with the fact that people protest silly things when there are much larger issues going on in the world (Fastlane vs inhumanely killing animals). But take a step back and read that comment. This discussion is about a Canadian family/owner not treating animals properly in an aquarium-type setting. It comes off as though you're saying "why expect more from them when Canadians (the nation) allow seals to be clubbed to death each year?"


I'm done now. I'm sorry if this came across the wrong way. I'll return to the Canada's Wonderland thread where I belong.

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You're right, instead of just boycotting FastLane, boycott the Nation of Canada as well. You make it seem as though every Canadian is okay with the seal hunt and therefor is okay with the horrible way Marineland is treating their animals...


That certainly isn't what we are saying. All we are saying is that people turn a blind eye to the cruelty that is around them until there is a news article from experts or something. Then, people care about it when it is probably something they should have been caring about all along.


Here is an example from last night - I stopped in at a local Wawa (convenience store chain) which is right next to a local slaughterhouse in the area. Pigs, cows, and now even horses are taken to this place almost 24/7 within trucks. Prior to heading over to the slaughterhouse, the driver of one of the trucks stopped at the Wawa with a full double decker load of cows - right next to the slaughterhouse. I sat an waited 45 minutes to see if he would leave, but did not. He let the cows, crammed to capacity, barely able to move in a cage filled with their own feces, just stand their and wait for him to finish his meal (I presume to be loaded with some kind of products from a cow, either of the meat or dairy variety). He couldn't have taken them to the slaughterhouse to put them out of their misery before he stopped for something to eat? And from another perspective, if their were say, a truckload of dogs, people would have been absolutely outraged. Instead, nobody paid any attention to the cows constantly mooing and rocking the truck and just continued to frequent the Wawa without any looks toward the truck. Nothing.


Now, there is a report from some trainers on the conditions, but really, the conditions at this park have been pretty evident for a while. I honestly don't think the park has been doing too much to restrict the visibility of the horrid conditions at the park. It is just that people have turned a blind eye to the obvious because it would cause their happiness dwindle when at the park. Who wants to have a sad day at an amusement park? Let's just ignore what is going on and go oooo and ahhh at the animals and go home with a smile on our face.

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