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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 468: Loch Ness Monster Media Day Report

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Has anyone ever been to the park during the week of Spring Break? I decided to skip pass member preview day because the crowds had been getting pretty large over the past couple of years. I also have to work the next couple of weekends - so I was wondering about Spring Break, like a mid-week visit.

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No I would not, unless the launches have a brake system of their own (it doesn't look like they do). If the train can come to a full and complete stop on a launch section, then yes, they could also count as blocks.

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No I would not, unless the launches have a brake system of their own (it doesn't look like they do). If the train can come to a full and complete stop on a launch section, then yes, they could also count as blocks.


As i understand it LSMs function as both launch and brake depending on how/if power is supplied to the motors. If my understanding is correct these could function as blocks if required.

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No I would not, unless the launches have a brake system of their own (it doesn't look like they do). If the train can come to a full and complete stop on a launch section, then yes, they could also count as blocks.


As i understand it LSMs function as both launch and brake depending on how/if power is supplied to the motors. If my understanding is correct these could function as blocks if required.


That's is correct, Pun_Machine. Linear Synchronous Motors function as magnets when the power not sent to them. Here is a video of Maverick, which also uses LSM, testing where a roll back was simulated.



Magnetic Brakes, however, cannot actually stop a train, just decelerate it. This is evident on drop towers, or magnetic brake runs on an incline. The train/car will slow, but required another device to stop it completely. That is why magnetic brakes are partnered with another form of braking (usually a fiction brake, hydraulic plunger, or tire drive) to stop the train.


I haven't been back to BGW since the Big Bad Wolf closed with finishing college and all. It will be great to visit once again to ride Verbolten.

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Magnetic Brakes, however, cannot actually stop a train, just decelerate it. This is evident on drop towers, or magnetic brake runs on an incline. The train/car will slow, but required another device to stop it completely. That is why magnetic brakes are partnered with another form of braking (usually a fiction brake, hydraulic plunger, or tire drive) to stop the train.


Makes sense, thanks for the clarification.

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^They said during the Hard Hat Tour earlier this month that they had been testing it successfully. I was at the park for a short time last weekend, and there were water-filled dummies on some of the trains.

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^ Yep. Bought one last year, and I'm not from VA.


EDIT: Oh, I did some research last night, and realized AC is the only B&M Hyper/Giga to not have a 54"+ height requirement (AC's requirement is 52"),does anyone know why this is?

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EDIT: Oh, I did some research last night, and realized AC is the only B&M Hyper/Giga to not have a 54"+ height requirement (AC's requirement is 52"),does anyone know why this is?


Not sure why this is but Alpengeist initially opened with a 52-inch minimum height requirement and it stayed that way for a couple of years. I believe Montu and Kombu opened with a 52-inch minimum as well.

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Vaguely off-topic, does anyone know how ride height requirements are actually determined? Is it up to the manufacturer's discretion or the park's, or some other governing body? And what criteria are used? So many questions!

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That really is some amazing work Arrow did to get that timing right. I wish we could still see it in action, but I'm not sure that I've ever seen waits for LNM that justify all three trains running (or that people nowadays would care as much as they did back when the ride was new about seeing them hit the loops at the same time).

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Screamscape seems to believe that there are indications of soft openings coming at the end of the month! I'll be there on the 14th, so I'm sure I'll miss them by a weekend or two, but just a heads up!


I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the first weekend in May. If I'm able to get up there, that's the only time I would be able to get off work and drive up.

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