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Photo Tr Cliff's

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Well my wife took the Digital with her to her Grandmothers house and I had to use a throw away one BAH!!!!!



I was able to get a friend from work named Russ to go with me, he likes coasters, but has never ridden the NM Rattler



Anyway, it was WAY more crowded than the last time I was here, and hot, not as hot as SFMM, but very warm, the nice thing is they had the misting fans, like the NFL players get on the sidelines.


well it took us about 30 minutes just to get in, we were both hungry, so we headed to the food stand near the back of the park, we both ordered cheeseburger meals, both burgers were cold and the fries tasted old, and it came with a miniture soda, we asked if we could pay to have a bigger soda, and they said no, that we had to buy a new soda, alrighty then, well Cliff's will never win any awards for thier food, at least it wasn't expensive, $4.50 is what I paid fr mine.


Afetr that it was Rattler time, we got in line and since the lines for the front and back were already so long, we went in the middle, and say near the back.


Awesome ride, man everytime I ride this, that first drop gets me, Russ was hooting and laughing through the ride, he liked it alot.


We then walked over and rode the Falling Star, and at that point it was very very hot, so we went to actually get some good food.


We returned a few hours later and went right for the rattler, WHOA, faster and more intense, we sat in the back car, but not the very back seat, after the first drop about half way through the turnaround over the kiddie ride area I hear a click and look down to see my seatbely fall down around my legs, WHOA my seatbelt came undone


about that time we hit the drop right under the lift hiil, I was thrown into the lapbar, and had to grab the handles on the train, AWESOME!, thats extreme airtime, anyway, we made it back to the station, I pretended to undo my belt, and Russ agreed, it ran faster and more intense than the first time.


We finished up with the Cliff Hanger, which still scares the crap out of me every time, and the Galaxi.


I had a ton of fun, and the rattler is still my favorite wooden coaster, sorry Collosus





After the


We finished up with the Galaxi, which was VERY tame after the Rattler and the Cliff Hanger


Here you can see down the main walkway to the Galaxi Coaster


look its a log ride


The Cliff Hanger


And the front of the train, its now a rehab area


Here's what they are doing in the Rattlers helix, where they were supposed to put the drop tower, yup those are train wheels


This is for Coaster1, the Rock-o Plane-o in all its glory


Here's an old one from 2004 i had to have at least one more, can you tell its from the digital?


WOW this is the only picture of the Rattler that turned out, I hate disposable camera's


Here's the minature soda we got with our meals, they refused to upgrade the drink saying we had to purchase a separate drink, LAME!


Thank God they had a few of these around the park, take a lesson six flags


Holy Crap its crowded, 30 minutes, just to get our tickets

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LOL. Nice Trip Report. Some of those pics came out pretty good even for a throw away. Looks like you guys had fun. USH had a few of those mega fans out also.

Michael"Six Flags would put them out yet not run them"Thomas

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Yeah, it was a two sip sode, two sips, and its gone, and of course no refills


But at least the huge soda was only $2.50, and not $7.00, like SFMM





I didn't forget you Coaster1, I have a feeling they will be keeping the Plane-o for a while, looks like it was just rehabed, it actually looks almost brand new

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The wait for the Log Ride was the longest and it was around 20 minutes, we got on the rattler in about 10 minutes each time


If you wait for the very back or the very front of the rattler, it will be longer, but you shouldn't have a problem

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Nice trip report crispy. It looks like when Western Playland moves to NM you will be looking at the same rides. Both will have a woodie, both will have a Galaxi/Bandito coaster, same drop zones, log flumes, yo-yo rides, old school rides. It will be like an exact replica. Thats what I'm thinking after I looked at the rides at Cliffs.

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Yeah, they are pretty good bumper cars, i was suprised



Has anyone heard anything about what coaster company Western Playland is looking at?


GG would be awesome, GCI would be a wait and see, as would almost anyone else

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They were looking at CCI .. but that died .. I doubt they would go with GCII and I would at least hope GCII wouldn't want to build out in the desert .. but I don't know what their maintenance department is like, but from photos and word of mouth .. it isn't the best

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Well it won't be too bad if they get the same type of coaster as Cliff's, metal wood hybrid


but if the maintence is as you say, better get to it soon, or the ride could goto hell



Eh, we'll see

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Western Playland was looking at a CCI in 2001 but the city rejected Western Playlands request for an extra acre of land and a longer contract. The owner told me last week that it would probaly be a GCI woodie. He says this will be a surprise for roller coaster riders because this coaster is going to be state of the art with all new designs never used before. He said that we will have to wait though because it isn't 100% sure if they will have a woodie. The first woodie that they were planning for was going to have a loop. I saw the design and it looked awesome but the stupid city rejected everything.


Crispy, if you have any questions about the new Western Playland just email me and I will try my best to answer.

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