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  1. I was debating going this weekend but then saw the email about pass members getting double ride wristbands. I'm glad we skipped it. Apparently only 1 train operations on the rides which wouldn't be so bad if almost everyone didn't have double rides.
  2. I wonder if it's just a spring break thing to get more money out of people since like ya said a bunch of rides are closed anyway so why would people buy more points for rides. Yours and other posts about this place has made me never want to bother even though it's the closest theme park to me. The cost of it and the fact that any time we actually look to go(like I happened to look today) major rides are always closed.
  3. Also looks like you can't get in for free anymore if you aren't riding anything. Website says $10 for entry with no idea now.
  4. I haven't gotten this email either nor a price increase either, I have gold plus and paid during the pandemic too.
  5. I'm with you about Universal closing too early. It's my only real complaint about the parks and it's way too expensive to be closing as early as it does.
  6. I haven't gotten this email yet but I pay like $12 and change for 3 memberships a month. For me it will depend on what they try to charge me but I might end up canceling all 3 if they raise mine too much because I barely go as it is and only keep it because of the price despite Great Adventure being the closest park to me.
  7. I was at SeaWorld last week, there were some things I knew about like the Penguin Trek construction but had no idea they are doing some renovation to the Orca stadium too. I'm curious to see what they are actually doing to it. I don't know if this is the norm lately with SeaWorld cause I simply don't remember but they were shutting down parts of the park before 6pm, basically the area behind the dolphins where the turtles and journey to Atlantis and the penguins are. I assume it's because of the construction going on with everything or maybe they just didn't have the staff to keep it open all day on a weekday. Got to ride on Pipeline for the first time, it's definitely by far the best stand up I've been on but it's still just not really for me. I'm an average sized person but I just don't find it comfortable. I didn't read anyone here that had this issue but when I hit one of the bouncing parts the back of one of my legs hit a metal piece of the seat, didn't hurt enough to complain to anyone about it and if I had pants on instead of shorts I wouldn't have noticed it as much but it just wasn't something I was expecting and was curious if anyone else here had that happen to them. Mako is still my favorite ride in the park, they still never fixed the screens above the ride station and they weren't on when we went last year around this same time either. We also got to experience the seven seas food festival. The prices for lanyards were more money than I remember from last year but we got to have an 18 sample one for the 15 sample price with the platinum pass discount. The portions however were much bigger than previous year's so that definitely made up for price difference.
  8. I got on Tron last week, ended up in one of the very last boarding groups for the night so was thinking we might not make it on but ended up getting lucky and getting assigned to the front row. The launch is awesome and hitting the outside part at night was visually really cool. I liked the theme of racing against the orange team but was definitely hard to notice all of it on only 1 ride since you go by it all pretty quick. I do wish the ride was a bit longer and would definitely have liked to ride it some more but that aspect is what it is. Looked like a lot of work was done on the Splash to Tianas conversion on the outside portion but it's definitely weird going to the park and not seeing the ride. There's a lot of green around what you can see from the walkways by it. I'm just hoping the new ride is fun. I know Genie+ is a big topic of annoyance on a lot of Disney boards but I wouldn't ever visit the parks without it. We saved 4 hours alone just from Pan, Mansion and Winnie the Pooh ride and meeting Mickey. With how little we actually go to the parks any lines we can skip waiting on is a real bonus for us.
  9. My question in terms of the portal thing does that mean there will only be one way in and out of every land or is the portal just the main entrance and there will still be something on the other side to let people in and out as well. If it's really only one entrance for each land do we think there will be a queue just to get into them? Is Nintendo land setup like this in California or Japan? I really want to check this place out but I'm not sure I'd rush out in 2025 to go. Depends on the cost of everything too.
  10. This is the only thing I'm worried about. I haven't had any cedar fair season passes in years because the parks just aren't that close(besides Dorney which isn't worth going to routinely) and I haven't been traveling to any others. I've only kept my six flags memberships because of the price cause we barely go there as well. If they cancel them and raise the prices a lot I most likely won't bother buying new ones.
  11. Was there any rumors of this? Looks fun, I just got an email about it from SeaWorld https://seaworld.com/orlando/roller-coasters/penguin-trek Penguin Trek - Coming in 2024Race Through the Ice on Penguin Trek! This will be the coolest research mission you’ve ever joined! Prepare for Penguin Trek, an unforgettable family launch coaster adventure through the breathtaking vastness of Antarctica. Board your snowmobile and race along with your expedition team at up to 43 miles per hour, navigating twists and turns and narrowly escaping the crumbling hazards of an icy cavern. Reach the end and you’ll make the ultimate discovery: a real penguin habitat! This new indoor/outdoor family ride is the most immersive addition to the Coaster Capital of Orlando, and with a height requirement of just 42”, it’s the perfect journey for families to share.
  12. It's a pretty quick ride for me but it's the pricing for me for the rides that makes me uninterested every time I look into going. I still don't know a single person who has gone either. It's also weird to me that I use to tailgate and park for Devils games and use to do my homework growing up in the lot where this whole thing is built lol I gotta just go one day and check it all out.
  13. The video is pretty wild to watch. I wonder how many trains passed through it like the way it was before someone actually noticed. Certainly looks like it could have been a really bad situation if it wasn't spotted when it was. Thankful that they avoided a potentially big disaster.
  14. This place looks really fun, it's amazing how this place actually shows how well the WB properties can be used instead of how six flags uses them. Would absolutely love to visit this place one day.
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