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  1. I love the tallest/fastest type coasters and Cedar Point is my favorite park. I almost need to be scared for my safety in order feel like I am getting my money's worth.
  2. Something very similar happened to me at BGW earlier this year. Just before we went on the Le Scoot (log flume), I put my car key in my pocket that had a zipper. After that we rode Griffon then headed over to Apollo's Chariot where I then noticed in line that the zipper to the pocket was open and the key was long gone. Thankfully my parents were near the resort we stayed at and had a spare so they dropped it off. The next day when we went back to the park, we decided to go to lost and found just in case and amazingly they had it! I've lost and found the same phone twice. Once at Six Flags Saint Louis and the second time at Worlds of Fun in Kansas City. Think I finally learned my lesson.
  3. Great pictures, Coney Island looked like a blast.
  4. I really enjoyed it as well. I thought it was a great premise for a movie, and although the acting was a little off at times, overall I'd give it a solid B. Ya Tilda Swinton's character was a bit campish and I thought the Korean couple was out of place. But the premise was great and there was some nice action scenes.
  5. I've seen the Terry Bradshaw Shingles one too many times.
  6. I'm 27 and I can't handle Round Up rides that just spin you in circles. Luckily I can handle any other type of ride.
  7. They made it seem like Darryl was with someone when he came back to the church but now we see that both Carol and Beth are at the hospital. So either something is off or they are doing something with the timing.
  8. Millennium Force in Cedar Point is probably my favorite. Rode it a couple months after it was built.
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