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  1. I'm sure it's because 1) There's no other option for people not to pay 2) To persuade people to buy gold passes exactly. It's all about upselling!
  2. Jokers Jinx need's a point job. They were so clever with Mind Erasers colors.. Has it been touched up since the original color change ?
  3. Has your guys' Superman been running a little rough this year as well? At Darien Lake, I think that this year the ride has felt a little bumpier and rattily; although I usually ride in the back. Seeing that these were the first Intamin hypercoasters built, the trains could either use major refurb, or new ones altogether. If anything, I would like to see the trains go away with the current restraints, as my legs always bash against the side brackets. Ive ridden Superman twice this season and it was honestly pretty good. Although this was my first time riding it since 2013. However I feel like superman is starting to creep up the lifthill very slow now.
  4. Roar's first drop is intense af more towards the back. Infact I think Roar has the best drop in the park after ROS.
  5. Former SFA employee and I can explain to you all something. Basically Six Flags parks have a satisfaction system we call GSS. (Guest Satisfaction Scores) It's what we use to see how our guest think and feel.. I believe they try to survey guest as they leave the park or restaurants ? Anyway's GSS are basically every Six Flags money makers.. The higher your scores are the more attention your park will get. SFA has raised 0.11 in ratings as of June. That is great our goal for the end of this season is 8.5 & We are at 7.89. However attendance at SFA has been piss poor. Even July 4th was pitiful, it was a very slow day.. I was in the management field and even I got to go home early that day! That's how slow it was. If we could get the kind of attendance we got in our 2012/2013 year's we would be great. Anywho the reason the gave you so many incentives was to try to ensure that your whole visit at six flags wasn't you being able to say "We got stuck on a ride for 30 minutes". No they wanted to give you ice water, they wanted to give you flash passes, they wanted to give you free meals.. anything to win you over so that when you fill out the survey you can atleast have 1 positive comment? It just sucks because when the park was in the busiest years was when we had such a bad rep, everything from being "dirty" to rude employee's. Now we are shaped up and we just don't have the kind of attendance that we used to have.
  6. oh I wasnt aware that the whole chain does it lol. Do other parks also restrain on vertical building until the park opens ?
  7. to the person above IMO, Six Flags America will never be able to open a new ride as soon as the season starts until they are an extremely profitable park. We will always have to do openings in the middle of the season to get more people anticipated for the opening, giving us more guest. They have done it with every new attraction that they've gotten.. since Apocalypse. & Btw I really wish that they would take down the remnants of the typhoon sea coaster. You can still see the drop of the ride from gotham and it just looks messy.
  8. Im not sure if anyone's noticed but they've also started taking down skull mountain. I actually like having the skull mountain remnants, It will be awkward seeing Wild One naked & being able to see Gotham behind apocalypse. None the less as an employee of SFA I love the slow but sure type of progress the park is making.
  9. idk if you guys keep up with SFA but last year Joker's Jinx got valleyed for about 3 or 4 hours I think (I swear they must run that ride on powersaver mode or something because the launch sucks now and it barely makes it over the hills).. Anyway last week in class my foundation of technology teacher was explaining to my class why he never rides rollercoasters, one of his points were "I know you guys remember last year when the Joker's Jinx got stuck upside down for hours" I literally couldn't hold it in I said "You really think people would be able to survivor hours upside down and have no injuries? Arent you a teacher?" I couldn't hold it in because everyone is saying that the people were stuck upside down.. I used to work at SFA as a ride operator and its almost funny how people think we have so much control over the ride lmfao.. They think we control the speed and harnesses its hilarious to hear the stuff people say. "If I was a ride operator I would make the ride go extra fast"
  10. The coasters of SFA coaster screams, "take pictures of me" looks so vibrant and photogenic! dem curves doe looks so classic and sort of vintage
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