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About abstruse

  • Birthday 01/24/1994

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  1. An American natural wonder... in The Netherlands? Interesting.. I'll have to keep an eye on this. Is this already in the place of a river, or near a body of water? Or is this whole thing artificial? (Excluding the "mine" part mentioned above.)
  2. Hmmm. I do believe some fencing is in order. Particularly the last picture. Other than that, Ay-oh! What a nice park going on here!
  3. Already ahead of you. A lot of the stores at the mall had coupons in the previous Sunday Paper plus the BF deals. I saved 90% on some clothing items. Poor planning on their part, imho.
  4. I'm digging the potential this park has. However, as previously mentioned, scenery/buildings could be upped a bit. Otherwise, keep on! I see this getting somewhere good.
  5. A capella involves any voice-usage as long as it does not use an instrument, by rough definition. Therefore, I would consider this an A Capella. Choir, single voice, beat-boxing, etc. I do believe would be considered a capella, although I could be incorrect. Nevertheless, these videos are pretty rad. Particularly the Pokemon one.
  6. I think, of all things, this is its biggest problem. Isn't Windows 7 made for the "average user," like you said? So I'm assuming, anyways. You are far too demanding of the OS, considering.
  7. This looks well thought-out -- giving you good results. I can't wait to here more about it!
  8. ^ Latin to English translation is iffy, considering the many verb forms/declensions that Latin has and English does not. English: How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn't live there? I'm sure it wouldn't be that more deep due to the fact sponges aren't at the grandest depths of the ocean. For this test we'd have to go to the Pacific. How grand. English - Japanese - English: Sponges do not live there if you do a lot of deep sea will be like? I am a sponge due to the fact that it is not deeper than the depth of the ocean is magnificent and I'm sure not. In this test, I think we have to go to the Pacific Ocean. How grand.
  9. Oh, true. I never figured that it could be the other way around, instead of Disney to rid of House of Blues. Good eye. Also, I figure there has to be some reason. Y'know? Instead of just removing parts unnecessarily. I would love to know the reason, haha. But eh, just a preference.
  10. Why would they get rid of House of Blues? It makes such good business, it seems. Pity. I've always loved the venue.
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