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About V2-dude

  • Birthday 08/19/1990

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  1. I agree. We humans are much too harmful towards whales. We should liberate them from the harsh confines of this unforgiving planet:
  2. I was actually at a water park one time and there were park employees with a radar gun clocking how fast people were coming down a couple of the body slides. Having worked at SFDK, I have been operating rides where this was going on. This was most commonly done on the Go Karts, but I have personally seen the results of more than one coaster. V2 and Kong both travel significantly slower than advertised, though I don't recall what their exact speeds. After its mishap atop tower 1, Superman now runs closer to 69-70mph, though it's still advertised as topping at 62 mph. That's all I know, but I'm sure the others are a bit off too. Anyways, forgive me if this was already mentioned, but isn't there a myth that B:TR at GADV is haunted?
  3. I'm not trying to be rude but I'm starting to think people just don't read anymore. This is what Robb said... You don't need to pitch to us about why you think it's acceptable to like the show because the general consensus is that nobody cares what you watch as long as you're not creepy around children and start conversations with them about the show. Nobody thinks it's unacceptable to like the show. We may think it's weird but I we don't think it's unacceptable. That entire first part of my post was meant as a joke, mocking a lot of the creepy, overzealous members of the fandom. I feel like it was pretty clear, but if it wasn't, I apologize. (I do watch a show for little girls, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was something wrong with the ol' noggin).
  4. *Bravely Steps Up* Greetings all! As one of the aforementioned "bronys" I would like to say a few words (before I leave shortly as I must travel to the mall where I shall partake in extended eye contact with strangers). I like the show. I find it very entertaining. However, I own no merchandise whatsoever *kicks dolls under table as I type*. Now that I have established myself as a no-T-shirt wearing non-doll owning extremist I shall now attempt my sales pitch to all of you as to why liking the show is acceptable even though I am far from the target demographic.... ...What? You still think it's weird? Fine then! Even though this forum revolves around a completely different subject matter, I shall talk about ponies in every thread! And when you all express your annoyance, I shall rant about acceptance and whatnot! Ha! Take that! In all seriousness though, I do watch the show, but after seeing the antics of a lot of the adult fan base, I usually just keep things to myself pony-wise. Sure I'll discuss things with a circle of "brony lite"** friends of mine, but none of us wear shirts or own dolls or anything creepy like that. I do not condone the creepers nor do I associate myself with them. As strange as it sounds, while being a fan of the show, I share the same feeling as a lot of those who dislike the fandom. **See what I did there? I said "lite"!!! Now that I've used this term to differentiate myself from the creepers, you guys can think of me as normal even though I watch a little girls show! Right you guys?....... You guys?...... Right?!?!!?
  5. SFDK: -On Medusa, if the combs (movable loading panels) are lowered and then raised without cycling the train, an error code appears and the ride will go down. This is because the computer thinks the trains did indeed cycle, but detected no movement. -Also on Medusa, it is possible to stop the train about an inch short of its normal parking position. The combs will raise and the restraints will unlock, but the train will still be barely occupying the transfer block. This will cause the next train to stack in the service brake (at the beginning of the brake run). -On Roar, it is possible to dispatch a train with the other train on the lift. The computer will stop everything when the train reaches the first censors out of the station and two trains are detected on the lift block. It is not, however, possible to dispatch a train if the other is running the course between the lift and the brake run. -Superman, like other Premier coasters, can be monitored remotely be Premier Rides. -Kong cannot dispatch until the other train reaches the first barrel roll. -Kong is the only coaster in the park equipped with a transfer/storage track that does not have a train stored there at night. Unlike Roar and Medusa, where all trains are put away in the storage tracks at night, Kong keeps one in the station and one on the lift. -Tony Hawk/Pandemonium had a glitch in its early days where the drive tires right before the lift would sometimes stop spinning when a car was still being pushed by them. The track between the tires and the lift was exactly level and this sometimes caused a car to "valley" between the tires and the chain. The problem of the stalled car was always quickly "solved" as it would be out of the previous block as far as the computer was concerned, but was still physically occupying that block. The computer would then have the next car in line advance forward, where it would hit the stalled car billiards style onto the lift, where the chain would catch it. It was easier than pushing it yourself, but allowing it to happen was apparently frowned upon.
  6. ^While I can't answer for Kevin, I also spent time operating it, and I can verify that it was the most vile piece of machinery in the park. Flat window on the operator booth that reflects everything in your face, gates that break easily, a ridiculously high height requirement that would absolutely piss off guests as you tried to explain why kids need to be so tall to ride such a lame ride, a very underwhelming ride experience due to poor programming that would cause guests to take their anger out on you after the ride, seats that would literally burn people when the sun was out, you can't see half of the riders from the operator's booth, previously mentioned booth is poorly ventilated and gets extremely hot, the fault light quit working so the ride could be broken and you wouldn't know it, the cooling system produces a ridiculously loud droning sound so you have to shout at people right in front of you to be heard, whale flippers in the gondolas that stick way out causing a tripping hazard. And those restraints. Holy Jeebus Christ those restraints. Whoever designed those never spent ANY time out of a cubicle or away from a drafting table. I could go on, but just writing that brought back bad memories.
  7. I just found 50 bucks that I had stashed and forgotten about
  8. At least security actually did something for you. When I worked at SFDK, I would constantly call security for vandalism, line jumping, etc. There were good security guards who would work with us to rectify the problem, but a lot of them would just bitch at us for wasting their time and leave. As for the person I know whose graffiti you pictured, I would talk to him, but he's one of those with the viewpoint "We have a right to make our artwork and anyone who tries to stop us just wants to oppress us". In other words, talking to him is like talking to a brick wall.
  9. I have a very strange feeling we're going to be getting a new word filter for "seat belt".
  10. ^^^ Figures, they use the photo from the one ride where I decided to put on this unnaturally big ridiculous smile for the whole ride. It doesn't help that it looks like I have a Hitler-stache in that photo. Also, that awkward moment when you find a picture of graffiti that says "Reina<3" and then looking at the Twitter handle and realizing that you actually know "Reina" and are friends with the person who wrote said graffiti.
  11. .... So, apparently not being able to ride is a less favorable outcome when compared to death. I must say though, seat belts really add to dispatch times, which in turn result in longer lines. As stated before, they are there for redundancy. Hydraulic restraints already have back-up systems, hence a lot of them have no seat belts.
  12. Having worked on coasters with hydraulic restraints (Including a Gerstlauer), I can back this up. Most of everything stated by Fender13 is true. The only thing I have experienced that differs from the quoted post is that the Gerstlauer I have worked on could indeed be dispatched with the restraints up in Manual Mode, which only maintenance has access to.
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