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  1. ^ This Hidden Mickey is still quite a stretch for me. On first glance it looked more like a side profile of Donald with his hat on.
  2. Very nice update! There is just something special about fairs. Bringing back childhood memories.
  3. Actually I don't care who owns any park. I just want to know if the park is open for business on the day that I'm planning to visit and if the rides are operational and declared safe. I visit parks to have a good time and that is the bottom line for me. You can still have a great time in the park even if it is 2 days away from closing! Live a little, people!!!
  4. The park is beautiful with the snow. I'm surprised that it was even open!
  5. This reminds me of the Rollercoaster Tycoon games with the scenario of a rundown park that had to be restored. I liked that scenario since you could reinvent the park. Pity that in the real world it takes a lot of money to reinvent such a park.
  6. I just love a park that has great theming. Thanks for the update! Will have to make a plan to visit these parks.
  7. Great TR! Good quality night photos. Mine always comes out blurry.
  8. Nice theming! I like it when a park goes that extra mile with theming. I will allways support those parks.
  9. I really like this different take on the update. Different views. Luv it. Keep it coming!!!!
  10. That looks more like a dunk than a splash!
  11. This is a great update and must have been a fantastic experience as well. Wish I was there...
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