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  1. Congrats that they did nothing to -you-. Try being a scareactor though and getting jumped by 5 people bigger then you because they were drunk and took offense to being scared. We're people under these masks and make up! I always scratch my head when I blend in with the crowd, scare someone and they go 'Oh! I thought he was a real person!'
  2. The bars are one of the reasons why they stopped doing it before. They had a LOT of problems with drunk guests. USH HHN is a completely dry event now because of it, and honestly, its been working out very well. I dont think I got hit once last year (and I certainly haven't been hit yet this year) but when I was at Knott's (which serves beer.. I dunno about mixed drinks) I was kicked, choked, punched, and one time pulled to the ground (by an attractive female, but still!) And even from a guest perspective, I've been to Knott's sober, and I've been there drunk. I don't remember much from the drunk trip (except it was fun, I suppose) but if Im paying good money, I want to be able to remember it in better detail then just that.
  3. Awsome video. Im really happy to see some clips from the mazes and bill and ted. Since I'm in a scarezone there, I haven't (and probably won't) have a chance to check out the rest of the event.
  4. I will be there, working. Come stop by the Butchery on Parisian Street and say hello!
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