NOTE! Onride footage in this video has been shot by an experienced ride photographer. For rider safety reasons, Please DO NOT take a camera on any ride or roller coaster without proper training or permission from park management.
Hey everyone!
Here's another POV from our Europe 2005 trip. This is "Rutschenbanen" or a "Scenic Railway" as we would know it.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, a Scenic Railway is basically a wooden coaster usually built in the early 1900's, this one in 1932, which has no "upstop wheels" and the speed is controlled by a "brakeman."
There are none of these coasters remaining in the U.S. but there is still quite a handfull around the world. Out of all of them I have been on, this was certainly the most wild! You can see in the video where the airtime is, and I can tell you there is some pretty extreme air on this thing!
Enjoy the video!