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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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I don't like this. I'm pretty suspicious of any employer who says he can't afford overtime. Considering the cost of training, insurance, and other benefits, it can often be less to pay overtime than hire a new employee. Plus you tend to get your best people working overtime, as they're the ones willing to commit more than is required by the job. The race to the bottom with wages never works out well for anyone but the very wealthy. It hurts the poor and working class, but it also hurts business owners, as those people whose wages are deflated give up things like theme park trips to save money. This idea sounds like another short term gain, long term loss that we see very often these days in politics and business.

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Don't take this as I'm defending this, but...


Many states already have this exemption for seasonal employees. Ohio for example does. Seasonal businesses (amusement parks, ski resorts, zoos, etc..) do not have to pay seasonal employees for overtime. When I worked at GL the typical work week for us was 70 hours or more. All of it paid as straight time.


That said, I don't think he's pursuing this to be malicious or because he's cheap. It could be more to be competitive in a seasonal employment market. Kids looking for summer jobs may be more willing to take a job that'll gladly give them 70 hours a week versus 20-40 at similar hourly pay rates. I know I would and did. He also has dumped a lot of cash into a park we all thought was dead to bring it back. He may need some help to keep it successful.


And honestly speaking, I loved every second of those summer jobs. I would gladly work 70 hours a week without overtime pay at an amusement park again then 40 a week with available overtime at a job I'm only meh about.

Edited by WolfBobs
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Sounds to me the headline is false because no one gets overtime because no one works over 40 hours a week, he won't pay overtime. If they change the rules, they will have the option of working longer at the same rate. Hart implies at least some of them are well above minimum wage and some work another job for more hours, which is more questionable, although probably many do work another job due to inconsistent hours and still will have to.

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Yeah when I worked there this summer as a lifeguard they wouldn't let me work more than 40 hours. One Sunday I got sent home at 12:30 because I was about to hit 40 hours that week. The only people that worked overtime were the managers who were paid more anyways.

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Waited till (nearly) the last minute, but we are confirmed for the event as well! Will definitely be taking plenty of photos. I'm also not sure if I had a smart-phone the last time this event happened (I got mine exactly a year ago), but I do now and can hopefully do some live tweeting and IG posting!

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Going to be a wet day, for King Louie's Winter walk through. 100% chance of rain, Severe flooding going on around Louisville now and rain in the forecast everyday through Sunday. I'm going to bare it, because this will be my first event.

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Has anyone gotten an email from the park yet with instructions for the event?


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I remember last time being really confused about which gate was which and where we were supposed to go. Some of the employees didn't even know. I'm really awful with directions but I'll be going with my boyfriend who is good with directions so hopefully he'll remember where to go in.


I'm not a big fan of rain but I'll still be there! Last year we got to walk around under SC and take pictures. I'm sure that would be really muddy this year if we still do it!


My profile picture on every social media for the last year

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I was able to attend the Winter Walkthrough today. I'm ashamed to say that I live only 2.5 hours from here and haven't been since the Six Flags days when I was younger. It rained like no tomorrow most of the time, although it stopped long enough to get a tour. Rob House and team did a fantastic job showing us around and providing lunch and answering all questions. Rob hinted at something big coming 2019, and I also took it as this might be the last year for Mile High Falls. They also showed that while they are mostly land locked, they own a decent amount of vacant parcels surrounding the park, or can acquire them easily. I didn't take a ton of pictures due to the downpour, but we did get to go to the top of Deep Water Dive to take some. We also got to walk around Storm Chaser. Overall a great day!







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I hated that I had to miss this after responding to the invite but my son has been in and out of the hospital with abdominal pain. I can't wait to hear about all the cool stuff I missed.

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope everything is OK, man.

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I have some great pictures and I want to do a comprehensive TR, but I won't be able to get to it for a few days because of work/school responsibilities. Hope it's still "relevant" by that time, I usually try to get these things out shortly after the trip.


Here are two teaser photos of Storm Chaser that I posted to Instagram/Twitter.



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I'll be posting a trip report soon as well, still sifting through my photos. I did finish a little video of the ride storage area with Lightning Run and Storm Chaser trains:


To Mikey and Guy, hope all's well on your ends. Sorry to hear you guys had to skip out.

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So, about that TR...


The beginning of the day started with little to no pics due to the heavy downpour upon arrival. After being led to a shelter for temporary discussions, we were led back out to the park's operations building for a welcoming and a tour inside. There we got a peek at the office spaces and how they had renovated it to be more open with more glass walls after Ed Hart took back control, and we got a peek at some of the new staff uniforms that would be used this year.


After all that, we were led back out to start the tour while the rain had calmed.


Makin' our way thru games area.


One of the couple new rides for 2018, Rock 'n' Roller, which was placed between Prof. John's Flying Machines and Lightning Run. Scream Xtreme was not on site yet, but was said to be ready by Memorial Day.


Rides closed, but we'll just wait it out a lil and it should be up and running soon, right?


Following the crowd to the back half, over the cars going to, what I believe was, the flea market at the Expo Center.


Less crowded than I usually see it. ;)


Giant wheel is giant.


Everyone gathered for a group pic, but I felt too compelled to try to make a photo to join. :s


As they had promised earlier, they then took us up Deep Water Dive for views 121 feet up.


At 66 feet tall, Wave Runner is still quite a tall slide as well.


Almost there folks, then you can catch your breaths.


Finally, the view!


This is the capsule that people go in, but hardly ever come back out of.


We'll come back to you, later.


For any interested, the Louisville skyline is somewhere in this pic. Can you see it?


After scaling back down the stairs and wandering to the other corner of the park, we turned a corner and were a little surprised to see something familiar waiting to say hello.


I guess this is a final goodbye! You'll be missed, but a replacement was certainly needed, imo.


Then we all hung out under a corked roll.


There was plenty photo ops and track touching.


Also that roll™


Did I mention the roll™?


The very last thing we did was have a look at picnic pavilions where many ride cars were being stored.



How's it going, RMC?


As sleek as this train's design is, i always underestimate how big the front nose is.


Gotta show some love to the best coaster in the park.


And the last year's newest coast- er, flat ride.


After this we were led out and went our merry ways.


Had a pretty good time touring the park and getting opportunities to visit areas that are typically off limits, especially standing under Storm Chaser track and seeing the trains stored. A big thank you goes to Kentucky Kingdom for organizing the free event and inviting us all out!


After the tour we were brought back to the operations building to talk about the new rides and attractions coming to the park (much of what's already been mentioned in this thread), as well as a Q&A and giveaways for answering trivia.. Also there was free pizza!

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