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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 468: Loch Ness Monster Media Day Report

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Anybody think of any thing else? Here is the math problem During the regular operating season Busch Gardens Williamsburg allows 36K people in their park. If the park lays on approximately 21 acres or 920,847 square feet of 'developed' land, with the above mentioned closed areas, what would be the new limit of people they would allow in the park?


Here is what I am thinking:


Regular Season

Max. Capacity (MC) = 36K

Max. Space (MS) = 920,847 sq. ft.

Person(s) per sq. ft. (P) = ???


MS / MC = P


920,947 / 36,000 = 25.58


25.58 person(s) per sq. ft.


Christmas Town

Max. Capacity (MC) = ???

Max. Space (MS) = ???

Person(s) per sq. ft. (P) = 25.58


MS / MC = P


MS * P = MC


Here is the trick! What is the space during Christmas Town?


Pretty impressive the info you got! I really think that's awesome! But check your units... If its MS/MC it would be MS/MC = 920,847 sq.feet/36,000 people. By doing the conversion you get ~25.58 feet per person. Last time I checked, you can't fit 25 people in one square foot of space You can have one person per ~25 square foot! Seems like a pretty large number if you ask me!

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Hidden Christmas Town Fact - 2 of the penguins Busch Gardens Williamsburg borrowed from SeaWorld died during Christmas Town last year. This is because they were South American penguins and they were put on ice. Which was a poor decision in hindsight.


Ah yes thank you! You are right, 1 person per 25 sq. ft. Also, thanks to my research here is what else I came up with thanks to an area calculator I found via Google:


Whole Areas Closed:


- Festa Italia = 1.5 Acres

- Sesame Street: Forest of Fun = 0.91 Acres

- Land of Dragons = 0.73 Acres

- Loch Ness Monster Area = 0.20 Acres

- Floating Bridge (includes Hear Attack Hill) = 0.53 Acres

- Griffon Area = 0.37 Acres

- Jack Hanna's Wild Reserve (except main path) = 0.97 Acres

- France Sky Ride = 0.10 Acres

- Log Flume = 0.15 Acres

- Festa Train Station = 0.10 Acres

- Germany Sky Ride = 0.12 Acres

- Pompeii = 0.16 Acres

- Curse of DarKastle = 0.22 Acres


**I was counting ride queues, not the entire ride. Some queues I included in the general areas.**


Total Closed Area = 6.06 Acres or 261,360 Sq. Ft.


The original problem:


During the regular operating season Busch Gardens Williamsburg allows 36K people in their park. If the park lays on approximately 21 acres or 920,847 square feet of 'developed' land, with the above mentioned closed areas, what would be the new limit of people they would allow in the park?


Here is what I am thinking:


Regular Season


Max. Capacity (MC) = 36,000

Max. Space (MS) = 920,847 sq. ft.

Sq. Ft. per person (P) = ???


MS / MC = P


920,947 / 36,000 = 25.58


25.58 Sq. Ft. per person


Christmas Town


Max. Capacity (MC) = ???

Max. Space (MS) = 659,487 Sq. Ft. = 920,947 - 261,360

Sq. Ft. per person (P) = 25.58


MS / MC = P


MS / P = MC


659,487 / 25.58 = 25,781.35


So in conclusion, the maximum capacity for Christmas Town should be 25,781.35 people. If each person had 25.58 Sq. Ft. per person which is the approximate space each person has during the regular season.


This is of course basic algebra. If you know algebra this should be a breeze. Now if only I was any good at physics. Also, I did round a lot and use basic generic areas in area calculation so this number is not exact but really dang close! Anyone see any problems let me know and I will try to fix the equation. I know it is not perfect, but it is, like I said, really close.


Edit ---


Verbolten should open up sometime in April 2012. The park has basically said spring, but a top guy working on the coaster let slip that they plan on it opening in April 2012.


Error ---


So I made a mistake! I just edited it, so it should look nicer. Please let me know if I make any more mistakes. This should be the most accurate estimate of capacity ever right down to the decimal point.

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My family's thinking about heading to BGW this weekend. Anybody wanna do a meetup? My dad was thinking Sunday, but it's not 100% confirmed yet.


I'm gonna try to pick up tons of maps to (and take a V-bolt pic or two).


Netdvn, I will be working all weekend this weekend, if you want to come by and say hi, I will be at one of the Oktoberfest games. I will probably have a ton of maps on me. It is upsetting though. the very first night I didn't have any maps, and the most popular question was, "do you have any maps?" type questions or "do you know the show times?" type questions. Ever sine I hold on to like a dozen. Sadly, I have hardly ever been asked those type questions ever since

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My family's thinking about heading to BGW this weekend. Anybody wanna do a meetup? My dad was thinking Sunday, but it's not 100% confirmed yet.


I'm gonna try to pick up tons of maps to (and take a V-bolt pic or two).


Netdvn, I will be working all weekend this weekend, if you want to come by and say hi, I will be at one of the Oktoberfest games. I will probably have a ton of maps on me. It is upsetting though. the very first night I didn't have any maps, and the most popular question was, "do you have any maps?" type questions or "do you know the show times?" type questions. Ever sine I hold on to like a dozen. Sadly, I have hardly ever been asked those type questions ever since


I'll definitely be spending tons of time in Oktoberfest getting pix of V-bolt and meeting up with a few old coworkers from the summer.


Are any of the summer games attendants working through Christmas Town?

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I went back to Christmas Town this weekend to check out some things I missed earlier--such as the progress on Verbolten. Looks like they're moving along quite well. The indoors section is now completely enclosed. Here's a look.


This sign greets you at the front of the park.


Having trouble finding Verbolten? Just look for the big crane.


The big green show building is finished--as far as I can tell.


Meanwhile, back at the old Big Bad Wolf station . . .


Work continues on the old footers.


This should give you an idea of how big the new building is--at least compared to this huge pile of dirt.


More footer work--this time, on what used to be BBW's final drop.


Hello. What's this?


I'm guessing this is where the trains will exit the building and hit a launched section--or is it the other way round?


Here's another angle from farther back.


A triumphant support stands defiant over its fallen enemy.


Verbolten wishes you a Merry Christmas!

Edited by cfc
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The building will be tough to spot from the bridge between Germany and Italy when the trees are full of leaves during the regular season. I'm curious about how they're going to "dress up" the outside of the building (as well as about what else is going to happen inside).

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I'm guessing this is where the trains will exit the building and hit a launched section--or is it the other way round?

I remember that the launch into the building is supposed to be pretty high by the time it actually goes in. So, that shot's probably the exit (looks pretty low, like the free-fall comes right before it).


Is it just me, or do the riverbed footers look like floating crates?


Oh, and thanks for the height comparison. I've always wanted to know how big a roller coaster is compared to a pile of dirt.

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^^That's where the vertical drop section is located--and I imagine there'll be some other special effects in that building, too. I like how the two Busch Parks are taking some chances with their new coasters. Cheetah Hunt was a great addition to BGT and has a different "feel" from other launched Intamin coasters. Verbolten will be unlike any other ride at BGW. Here's to hoping that it turns out well.

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^It was removed along with the Big Bad Wolf. Being as Verbolten follows a "drive in the Black Forest" theme, I doubt that the village is coming back.


We shall see.

Edited by cfc
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SeaWorld San Diego Announces New 'Manta' Coaster

Manta also will feature a unique “launch station” where the passengers will start the ride enclosed in a launch tunnel with larger-than-life images of rays projected on a 270-degree enveloping screen. This stunning introduction to the world of the rays also will visually enhance the physical acceleration as the ride launches down the track. This state-of-the-art projection system will be the first of its kind in the United States. http://www.insideseaworld.com/seaworld-san-diego-announces-new-manta-coaster


Even though it probably wouldn't include Manta Ray projections, could Seaworld Parks be trying to hit "two birds with one stone" with this "first of it's kind"? (I assume if this would be used it would be used at the drop section.)

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