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Photo TR: Ocean Breeze Waterpark - VA Beach, VA

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Greetings Enthusiasts...


I did a little searching around TPR and read a few sparse entries mentioning Ocean Breeze Waterpark (OB). However, I observed no detailed photos or trip reports. So, I decided to provide a little narrative and pictorial tour for you. Cheers & enjoy!


I made a visit to OB on June 14, 2011... taking a family member for their second trip to the waterpark. It was an amazingly awesome day for the trip with partly sunny skies, low humidity, and temps in the mid 80's. I won't go into much written detail at this time, but in the mid-90's I was a lifeguard there for several summers and had some really awesome (and iNsAnE) times working at OB with childhood friends and crazy/cool staff (other stories, another day... maybe). Suffice to say, "Adventureland", as a comedy film, brought up a lot of interesting nostalgic remembrances. Which suddenly inspires me to write this related plug: If you seek consultation for a feature film, short film, marketing film/media, and/or script/production that involves a waterpark setting (and/or working at one)... [[or general media consult and especially "Voice Over & Narration" for a wide variety of projects]]... I just may be the guy you're looking for! I may also have helpful connections to additional resources... so don't hesitate to shoot me a private message or email!!! I'm sure tons of other individuals who visit and contribute to this site are also way capable of similar amusement industry input (probably moreso than I, even). Whoah... heh... with that randomly inspired moment of self-promotion now over... let's move on!!!


Over the years I've taken note of small-yet-significant additions and changes improving the general public (GP) experience at OB... changes in dining options, facelifts and paint-jobs to structures and facades, new tubes & rental tubes, updated log-roll in the activity pool, new speed slides to replace the Lightning Bolt(s). However, NONE of the previous upgrades and alterations come close to touching the MASSIVE overhaul that has come to the historic section of the park/mountain (originally known as, "Jungle Falls" (JF)... and if it was something else before that please share the history)!!! I have post cards advertising, and several pictures of (me as a little tyke geeking out over), JF back in the early 80's. The original mountain and mat-slides were classic... and the freakin-ginormous gorilla has no-doubt become a legendary icon for the Hampton Roads area (at least starting with my 70-80's generation, and perhaps beyond). When announcements were made, and details/images revealed, about the new slides and kid's area coming to the Breeze I immediately figured those old water troughs were being replaced. A trip over to the VA coast during Easter confirmed my suspicions as I viewed underway construction. "Neptune" would take his "Revenge" by uprooting the old mat-slides and imparting a more bountiful gift... the sweet new series of colorful, serpentine, ProSlide-designed/manufactured waterslides currently operating as, "Neptune's Revenge" (go figure). Captain "Hook" would also land in the middle of the youth area, seizing the pool and transforming it into his playful "Lagoon". The two new attractions, "Neptune's Revenge" and "Hook's Lagoon", are radical successions for Ocean Breeze landscapes.


Don't mistake my tone to be dismissive of the classic slides... that's not the case at all. I loved the history my life shared with the original 'Falls installations... every brave, maturing challenge I took riding the bigger slides each year 'til I'd conquered them all; every moment where my mat would stall out in the middle of the waterway waiting for the next (typically large adult) patron to come barreling down behind a wall of H2O like a jet-ski riding a sluice-surge hitting my speed-bump frame; every time one of my elbows/joints got thrashed into a right-angled water-trough turn (haha, I wonder how many people left epidermal layers on the walls of those slides?!); and every whistle I blew at some rebel-youth/adult trampling waterpark commandments on the mountain chutes. In my opinion, there could be no better way to honor the legacy, than by building the solid replacement that is now in operation. The ProSlide models are current and fun (Topsy-Turvy's especially offer a dynamically enjoyable ride experience... one that deserves a ride review of it's own)! Hook's Lagoon is no minor improvement either with three distinct play areas for different-sized scallywags. They may not be the largest, water-featured, play-structures... but every kid I saw was enjoying it.


Ocean Breeze has a lot to offer Hampton Roads residents and visitors. The new slides especially add value. Admission prices have subtly increased over the years, but are almost half what one may pay to hit up another nearby (albeit larger and more extensive) waterpark competitor in Williamsburg. Amusement industry consumers and professionals are, I'm sure, curious to see what else the former Six Flags fellas bring forth in the coming years. The new additions are certainly line-in-the-sand benchmarks for future improvements!


OK... on to the pictures!!!


Entryway Signage


If you are looking for an admission discount to Ocean Breeze be sure to pick up one of these "Sunny Day Guides" from the lobby of almost any hotel on the strip...


The discounts have varied over the years... but one coupon is generally good for up to six (6) people to use. As you can see, there were two coupons in this guide, each good for $3 off adult admission (ages 10 and up). One to eat... one to share! (... like Twix-bars... or half a Crunchie Bar... Aussies & Brits, holla!) I used one for the relative and I... then handed the other coupon to another person behind me in line. Discounts may also be found via the park's official website at this time.


Just showing you what was paid for two adult admission rates... $56.68 with tax & coupons.


The new slides face "General Booth Blvd." behind Hugh's vigilant watch. Seriously great curb appeal and I'm sure will draw many by the entrancing color-schemes and intertwining layout. More pics down the way...


"What the toosk (WTT)... it's a stupid parking lot (and construction sign)?!" Actually, this area of the parking lot was the stock yard for slide parts. Check the Ocean Breeze section at screamscape.com for related images during that phase of construction.


You park across this bridge and walk to the entrance... it's not too far, promise. We are heading towards the entrance at this point.


Quick pause for a picturesque view of wetlands/marsh... oh, and a Motorworld sign, yay! (MW is right next door to OB)


It's true. No, really. (btw... they should sell a few of those signs in the gift shop)


Follow the lady with carmel apples to candy mountain! ... and Ocean Breeze.


A park map for you. It's outdated, though. Can you tell me how?


Nevermind... I mean... I'll show you where the map is outdated (... the slides on the right and above "Hurricane")


First thing you see after coming through the entrance... the "activity pool". I had another really good pic of the log-roll specifically... but opted to not post it due to the number of minors in that one especially. The log-roll always draws a crowd. Fun to watch AND participate!


This is a reverse perspective from the other side of the "activity pool". From here you can see another ride's finale in the distance center-right of the blue mass of tubes (I'll get to that later).


I'm going to highlight some rides related to the "activity pool" area. First up is the "Grape Escape".


The "Grape Escape" is a swerving little twister. Looks pretty JV, right? Well, this small slide kicks out water surprisingly fast... oh, and it drops into about 5' of water... oh and that 5' area is reallly close to the 10' drop off. See that one guard down there...? They are stationed for this one, itty-bitty slide... for good reason. So watch it, kids! Ya hear?!!


The "Coconut Drops" are essentially sit-n-scoot, ledge drops. One has a gradual descent... the next is steeper than the other.


Gradual descent...


Steeper than the other.


This shot just shows the slides in proximity to one another. And moving along to the right we have...


... the "Paradise Pipeline" (installed in 1996, btw). I did not get a photo of the actual sign... nor did I climb the tower for different perspectives... tis too bad b/c I got all motivated later on (as you'll see). (btw... look at the two slides and see if you can tell me which one is "faster"... I'll let you know if you guess or ask.)


What it says


What it is (... they are)


What one of 'em looks like (... the straight one)


What the other one looks like (... the not-straight one)


And beyond the "activity pool" area (almost straight ahead from the entry) you have the "front-of-the-mountain" (park-side) slides. Oh, and just so you know... if you find navigating flights of stairs difficult... you might be a... um... little miffed. This is because all the legitimately badder-a slides offered at OB require getting your bad-a up that mountain. No sweat, though... the slides are worth it... and it builds character! Rejoice!


OK... didn't do a good job showing you the walkways and platforms up on top of the mountain, but this sign is on the lower summit platform (slides depart from the upper platform). Mat slides? What are those? (...remember the park map detail?)


What it says


The blue one.


The red one.


The (character building) mountain-access stairway bisecting the blue and red slides.


The pool where the red and blue slides (left to right) dump their payload of children and more. (OK, I'm just hamming around and messin' with you... I know the slides are chartreuse and citrus.) And after elatedly riding both of those... we scale the mountain again for...


"Pirates' Plummet" (yyee-) and "Walk the Plank" (-aargh) ... the newer speed slides.


That's them thyar, to the right of the GREEN slide, steeply angled down the mountain, with the wave-pool in the background (waving).


An under-belly perspective. Relaxed but attentive... it's how you want to ride them... not too tense... just lay back and go with it (it'll all be over soon). Something about that didn't sound right...


but srsly... if you tense up too much these pseudo-twins will claw your back. You know what I'm saying? Dang-it... something still sounded wrong there.


One is the "Pirates' Plummet"


The other is "Walk the Plank"


WTP (L) - PP ®


PP (L) - WTP ®

... and after picking out the wedgies we go down the steps toward the blue roofed buildings to find...


... "personal floatation devices" (PFDs... NOT lifejackets... got it?!), maybe a rental tube... aaand a barley pop and/or sandwich... before padding over to...


The wave pool! ... not waving ... so we'll come back, but not before a quick trip under the magical green mushroom fountain. Then off to the new kids' area.


Rufio Rufio Ru - Fi - .....

(Nice work on the sign, btw!)


... OOoooh!! "The bucket of dumping"... has a bell that rings when it's about to dump... (wow, what a craaazy onomatopoeia script). I'm glad we don't have to ring bells when a dumping time draws nigh. (Although there are more than two handfuls of people I know that would love to ring a bell when their, um, "bucket is almost ready to tip". Mmm... dunno... might be fun on occasion! I may just start using an unobtrusive sound on my phone to subtly indicate a delivery is soon approaching... see who picks up on it.)


"Hooks" layout... three play areas... "fort bucket dumper" (L)...


"Hook's Short-sloop" beached in the middle


and "Monkey-spit Mound" at the end...


I told you so.


Further down the way there's a micro lazy-river for the yung-uns...


And a pretty cool little slide complex... that was totally overrun by highly-charged kids. Oh, and look, there's a mom who is staring and questionably undecided if I'm perving on the chilren... so before giving her a complex, I grabbed my tween relative and quickly dipped out to...


The WAVE pool! ... it's waving now! ... Jooooy!


OK, so after we all stopped waving at each other, I looked down and GIANT footprints were leading out and away from the wave-pool. I was like, WTT, bathtub?! Just who disturbs the waters and pushes out those waves anyway?!


OK, drama-spiel over, the footprints (nice little themed touch, btw) obviously didn't lead up the other side of the mountain... cause see, they were droppin some new astroturf... which also closed access to the new ride area for a short while that morning (but was finished later).


Ba-Dow! En-route to Revenge!

This signage is stellar. It's dimensional, colorful, high-quality, and well-done... a sign of things to come (so to speak). That sign also marks the entrance to the new walkway AROUND the mountain...


A new walkway (with fresh astroturf) AROUND the mountain...


... AROUND the mountain ...


... A walkway AROUND THE MOUNTAIN... what a FREAKING GREAT idea ... where the frak was that GREAT idea all these years?! Two words to decision-making powers-that-be... "Thank You"... from lifeguards, kiddies, worn-out moms chasing the ducklings, baby' daddies carrying the kids all around, and... well... everyone else, too. Thank you.


Approaching the "back-of-the-mountain" (faces the Gen. Booth Blvd. entrance). I also guess that's as far as Hugh (the gorilla) got on his walk from the wave-pool-tub (silly, I know). And we approach...


A swirling funnel... aka...


a ProSlide - ProBowl...





You step up...


Sit down... cross your legs... fold your hands behind your head/neck... or cross your arms over your chest... AAAND...


HOOOLY WHOOO DOOWNNN THE DRROP... wait... WHOO... what's... WHOO... all that in the background... WHOOO...


THEN YOU ARE SPit Out and into the funnel... where you spin one or more times depending on how you ride it, how you want to ride it, and how you KNOW how to ride it!


.. then you drop through the hole... into an 8' deep cube of water... surfacing in the middle of a torrent pouring all around... with a guard's voice calling "This Way... This Way..." so you can get your dizzy self out the pool. Nnnext...


It's "NEPTUNE's REVENGE"! - Sign 2 -


OK, down to business... the construction of these slides offer a great visual presentation!


Grab a fresh single or double-rider tube from the pile...


... and take a moment to study the details before heading up (... a nice, fairly-shallow-grade walkway, btw).




... are ...


... twisted ...


... EVERY- ...


... WHERE!


Heavy-duty PVC pump-age


Tag-it... Bag-it... a horrible image of ProSlide bling! (... couldn't get a good, non-glare angle on it from where I stood with arms outstretched and above me... w/e).


Nice new staging, deck area. There are four slides. They all either do, or will, have unique names. One guard was calling them something, but not official names. The two on either end are identical, mirror-image, Proslide Topsy-Turvys (not the Tantrum, like I previously thought, which has a larger diameter tube and raft). The one mid-right is a ProSlide Pipeline (dark-slide). The one mid-left is a ProSlide BulletBowl (or maybe CannonBowl?). Enjoy the following image details...







This one... the BulletBowl(?)... was the only one that didn't allow double-tubes. Also, for me, the long connecting tube leading from the loading area to the drop didn't have a steep enough grade or something. I kept stalling out in that section (hey, hah, perhaps a designed nod to the former mat-slide experience!)... or more like my highly inflated tube rode too high up the walls where water hadn't "greased the chute" ...


... but once I got to the drop ...


... and into the bowl it was cool. Only rode the bowl and the dark-slide once each, though...


Because THIS slide was SO much fun!!!


My relative and I lost count how many times we rode this Topsy-Turvy. It's truly a gem of an experience... quick summary... short approach into funnel where it's like a little rapids section, another jaunt to funnel 2 where we sometimes swung around backwards after rocking up the walls... then longer slide section that's partially enclosed with few twists and small drop to funnel 3 where we either got turned back around or remained the same direction... THEN there's a surprisingly peppy, enclosed spiral to the pool... it's so quick in the spiral that you suck into the tube. BIG whee-factor, for reals!


Splashdown! I really enjoyed all the slides of "Neptune's Revenge". Yet, ProSlide's Topsy-Turvy is my new, favorite, type of waterslide (makes me want to try the larger-scale, Tantrum, I guess). It's best with two people, but still fun with one. ProSlide and Ocean Breeze have a winner for sure, IMO.


Had a quick talk with "Hugh Mongus"... you know... just catching up.


Hugh asked me to check and see if anything was coming out of his back pocket... felt like something was about to fall out.


I was like, "You're good 'mate... was just your season pass." BTW... whoah, where can I get a season pass that never expires?! (... oh and like 5-10 additional comp. tickets per season... you know, for family and/or giveaways & prizes, etc... no scrounging here... a kid can dream!)


One last trek up the mountain for a view... a history lesson... and a ride. (again... was a pretty day! Also take note of the "activity pool" area with the cliff-slides [Coconut Drops] and drop-slides [bamboo Chutes] in full view for proximity perspective.)


History lesson = the ride's namesake (... ie, the name of the original park).


I always enjoyed this ride (called Runaway Rapids when I was a kid... I think... or I might be confusing that with WC's version of it back in the day which was later re-named Atomic Breakers... none-the-less... OB's rapids version was better). Here's the obvious, gratuitous iteration of the ride: pool... slide... pool... slide... pool... slide... pool...


... slide... pool... (whoops!)...


... slide... waterfall... pool...






On behalf of Hugh (Mongus), Neptune (the Revenger), Hook (the Lagoon-ier), and yours truly...


Peace... and Slide On!

Edited by theGrayZone
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Yee-up, the bowl tube slide is a BulletBowl, because it can only take single tubes (CannonBowls can take doubles).




Great TR. Made me laugh.

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^^^ Have not been to DL (yet). Did Hook land his short-sloop there, too? Lazy river slide... yeah, probably a custom installation of what you said (a technical term for that type of ride? I've seen aerial ones that look like it... is that what they're called?).


^^ A BulletBowl it is! A BulletBowl, yay! Thanks for the confirmation... and, hah, let your [nerd] shine! (... I do... intermittent cycles). Maybe OB could solve the issue I had on the bowl slide with a small water line running along both tube walls somewhere in that flat-ish section? ... or maybe I was the only one who experienced the friction phenomenon. TY


^ You can have fun there for sure... expectations and attitude contribute to the outcome. OB is a place that can be toured fairly quickly in its entirety. During long, summer hours consider going early... hand-stamp exit for other area ventures... then come back after the sun's set for night-sliding. Good times. TY

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This is the most intense and in depth water park Photo TR I've ever seen. I think I peed myself a little


Just don't pee in the pools- they DO look awesome all around.


Great Photo TR. It's nice to see such in-depth waterpark coverage- as some of us closet water-park junkies LIKE this kind of porn.

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Thanks for the comments so far... they're encouraging and help me gauge ideas for future content. (PKI JM - hah... your comment especially made me think, "OK... doing stuff like this is worth it".) Keep in mind, too, I grew up in the Hampton Roads area going to this park, and eventually working there... so this TR was commentary involving history from previous chapters of my soul novel. I'm not sure other eventual topics/posts will "feel" like this one. (If you know what I'm saying.)


BTW... I'm still thinking of the trivia contest related to Ocean Breeze (the waterpark and fun park). I think I've got a couple of solid questions... maybe even a really tough one. I'm trying to decide on the actual "prize" as well... which wouldn't be OB related at all... but would be some item of vintage and possibly rare amusement industry schwag. Some of my considerations are how to best deal with the logistics of doing the contest, like:


If I post the questions in this topic then how does the "winning" contributor get recognized? Should I say "first person to correctly answer the question(s) with a reply in this topic?" or "... with a private message?" or "... by email?"


ALSO - If someone "wins"... how do I get the "prize" to them? ... self-addressed stamped envelope sent to me so I can mail it back to them? ... what if the "prize" is a bigger item... self-addressed shipping package?


AND ALSO - What about international (non-US) individuals that may want to participate? ... I don't want to exclude anyone from the fun... but shipping something to international destinations can sometimes be more trouble than it would be worth. But how cool would it be to give an international enthusiast a piece of US amusement history?!


N-E-Way - those are some of my random thoughts. Any suggestions?

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^ That sounds good to me! I'd personally suggest "first person to post the correct answer" like the Bag O Crap thread. Contest winner PM's you their address and you can send prizes in envelopes/packages later.


I spent my last 10 years in Williamsburg and went to VA Beach countless times but I've never been to Motor World/Ocean Breeze (although Water Country is a nice park). It looked like a fun little park, although a bit on the seedy side. Glad to see that the place is being upgraded.

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: better update :


After a bit of thought, here's the skinny...


The "Ocean Breeze Waterpark Trivia Contest" will begin at 11am (Eastern Time - ET), Monday morning, July 11th (2011/07/11)... in honor of 7-11-11-11... which is a nod to former summer days snacking on "Big Bites" and enduring "Brain Freezes" from frozen treats @ 7-11 convenience stores, multiple times daily even, with the occasional rumble-gut that trails you the rest of the day/night.


I will announce the prizeS sometime tomorrow (Saturday - 2011/07/09) evening (ET)... with images... so you can decide for yourselves whether the spoils are worth the effort. One prize will be revealed at 7pm (ET). The next will be revealed at 11pm (ET).


What's that you ask? Would I please offer some hint now about the winning artifacts?


Well sure!


There are two prizes... both will go to the winning contestant. One prize holds things. The other prize keeps things together. They are similar by function; yet, different by design. No other prizes are available beyond that EXCEPT the grand treasures of community, trivial industry knowledge, and neural pleasures derived from the "thrill of the hunt"!!!



Rules & Question Details:


Rules will be outlined sometime on Sunday (2011/07/10)... but I can tell you now that I will keep them simple, succinct, and calorie-free.


Questions... there will be questions... and queries about those questions will be quelled on Sunday as well when I reiterate the following. All answers to the questions will come from my trip report write-up, photos, and captions... EXCEPT FOR... excuse me... except for answers to one question... that won't. Familiarize yourself with the trip report and you'll be good to go... mostly.


Spread the word if you are inclined... or don't. But please check back tomorrow... for the next update...


... and what the hey...


... it'd be fine to get a little of that thing I hear Rob say ...







((... but "meh" is also fine... as is this font size))

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Good afternoon...


the time is somewhere around 3pm (ET) on Saturday, July 9, 2011.


Roughly four hours from now, at 7pm, the first of two prizes will be revealed.


I'd like to mention this trivia contest is sponsored by only myself and graciously hosted by TPR.


Therefore, the "prizes" are offered from my (small yet eclectic) collection of amusement industry items.


The prizes may be junk to some... or treasure to others... a BoC or FAF... and that's part of the enjoyment!



Spread the word...


enjoy the mystery...


anticipate the process!



I'll be checking back with you all in a few hours.

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Greetings Enthusiasts!


... and "Welcome", curious onlookers!



This is the moment that precedes the next moment.


This is also the moment when prize #1 manifests for the "Ocean Breeze Waterpark Trivia Contest"!


A hint I dropped in a previous post states one of the prizes (this one), "keeps things together"...


... as in "bands things together" ...


... as in:




-- A wrist band!!! --


Or more obviously... a yellow wrist band from "Busch Gardens Europe"!


... but rotate it and you will find ...




-- Wow, whoopie, a "Giffon" wrist band!!! --


This wrist band was a gift from the good PR people of BGE... given out at the "Griffon" media day event (made available to ACE members and other excited participants on that day). So either you got your "Griff-on" at the media day event and picked up one of these wrist bands... OR, for all I actually know... bought one of thousands more BGE may have sold (or still sells) at the gift shops.


BUT in MY story... these were only available for those of us who attended the media day event... haha.



And now this poppin' yellow "Griffon" band can be yours...


... IF ... you are the "Ocean Breeze Waterpark Trivia Contest" winner!




Stay tuned for the prize #2 reveal... coming up at 11pm (ET) ...


... right here at TPR.

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I can remember actually visiting this place back in the summer of 1984 when it was called "Jungle Falls". Looking back now at the time Jungle Falls was more of an amusement park with a number of flats and less of a water park, actually I just don't remember the water park at all but I DO remember local Z104 radio offering some kind of ride all day special.


At the time I can remember our family was staying at the old Tides Hotel on the oceanfront being told by the owners of the hotel that Jungle Falls was to be Virginia Beach 's ( and Hampton Roads ) main amusement park after BG complete with rides including a roller coaster, mini-golf, water park, go-carts, etc....


Looking back now ( yes I am repeating myself UGH !! ), kinda surprised Jungle Falls didn't add more rides and a coaster considering that Seaside Amusement Park on the Virginia Beach oceanfront had then recently closed while Buckroe in Hampton would close the following year ( 1985 ) and of course by then Oceanview in Norfolk was already long defunct. As it was when I had returned to Virginia Beach in the spring of 1986, the first place I had visited was Jungle Falls however the rides were already gone and up came the water slides. Wonder why the change ?

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Greetings Coaster Fans...

... and waterpark trivia-tarians!


Right out the gates of this post I want to point out the obvious...


"Prize #2" will not be making an appearance in this entry. But what you don't know is...


"Prize #2" has been hijacked and sequestered!!!

... by the neanderthal duo known as - the contest "Details & Rules".

They placed "Prize #2" in a holding container, closed tight and sealed with a time-release lock.

I've been informed the captive's release has been set for 11pm tomorrow evening (Sunday 2011/07/10) instead.

I apologize for their boorish behavior... and that I informed you wrongly earlier.

It's only a little switch of plans, though.


We cool?

Good... now I'll step aside and let the strong-arming duo say their piece below:






The “Ocean Breeze Waterpark Trivia Contest” is open to all TPR members* (registered users of this site)… including international members, too!


The contest will commence Monday (2011/07/11)... at 11am (Eastern Time).


It consists of “20 Questions”.


The first “19”:

Answers to the first “19” questions may be found within the original trip review posted on page one. Written text and image captions will contain solutions. Certain photos will also reveal answers. The first “19” questions should be clear with enough hints directing you to helpful portions of the trip report. Read each question thoroughly and stay alert for potentially intentional diversions.


Number “20”:

Question “20” is different than the rest. This one may be tough. Discovering the full answer will take some ingenuity on your part. Enough resources exist on the world-wide-web to give you, capable and super-sleuthing enthusiasts, the ability to track down the clues and solve the crime! Really though, websites containing contact means are readily available. However, finding contacts that actually know the answer is another thing, and I will not help you there. Consider this part of the trivia contest an Internet scavenger hunt.





Again, the “Ocean Breeze Waterpark Trivia Contest” is open to all TPR members* (registered users of this site)… including international members, too! Simply put… the first TPR member* who correctly identifies all the answers, in an unedited post, wins!!! (Please read "important note #1" below!) Collaborate if you like, but only the correctly posting member “wins”.


Please post your answers within the topic thread in an easy-to-read, descending, numbered format (like the following example):











I will review answers sporadically throughout the day(s) until a winning combination is posted. Hopefully I’ll have my “A-game” on and spot the winner as soon as possible informing everyone of the winning entry both within the thread AND via the topic description.


After the virtual confetti is thrown and cyber celebrations end, I will contact the winning TPR member* via private message (PM) or email (so make sure a working email address is up-to-date) for shipping details.



IMPORTANT NOTE #1– Please Read:

All correct answers must exist in an unedited post! Edited posts, even edited posts that contain all the correct answers, will not be acknowledged or accepted. I’ll explain the reason for this. Someone could post immediately, then add to or alter their post later, and appear to be “first in line” with the correct answers. Make sense? So consider your answers wisely before posting… save it as a draft, even… and try to avoid spamming the thread with multiple “answer lists”. If I'm over-analyzing how posts appear and work, let me know. But for now, I'll be all militant and specific about it.



If you are under 18 years of age… please be sure to inform your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) about the contest and prize potential, ESPECIALLY getting their permission to participate and receive the prizes if you win. That is YOUR responsibility! If you are under 18 and win... I'll expect you have been the model TPR youth and done this. Who knows... it may even be a chance for parents/guardians AND coaster-lovin-kids to spazzzz out together... bridging the gap of generational awkwardness... and bringing all ages closer together in a family-movie-ish way. Or totally not at all!




.... and that about covers it.


I may be editing content in this post if I'm missing anything, something becomes more clear, or if I get fidgety.


Hold on... "Details & Rules" have one more thing to add.


*in unison*

"Check back tomorrow night at 11pm. Spread the word. Come back to see "Prize #2" freed and introduced. Oh... and... umm... San Dimas high school football rules!!"



Man... they took my lines (except that last bit).


See you tomorrow evening!

Edited by theGrayZone
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... This trivia contest sounds interesting, and also, nice TR!


Fantastic report, thanks for taking the time and effort to detail everything!


"CardCraze" and "chadster"... thank you for the comments. Keep checking back to find out how "interesting" or *yawn*-inducing things may get!



I can remember actually visiting this place back in the summer of 1984...


... I DO remember local Z104 radio offering some kind of ride all day special.


At the time I can remember our family was staying at the old Tides Hotel...


... complete with rides including a roller coaster, mini-golf, water park, go-carts, etc....


... Buckroe in Hampton would close the following year (1985)...


... Wonder why the change ?


"chetCO" - welcome to TPR and thanks for the comment! Very cool your first post would be in this topic. Z104... years and years of hearing their promo spots leave the jingle permanently imbedded in my brain. The Tides Hotel... do you remember ever seeing the "Viking" hotel in VA Beach... the one with the observation window for the pool at street level? We used to park near there all the time when visiting the beach and it was fun watching swimmers become "marine park attractions". The plans may not have gone down exactly as expected by the hotel staff's account... but rides, a rollercoaster, mini-golf, waterpark, and go-carts all currently exist on property grounds. Buckroe... if you ever visited there, we should correspond a moment. I recently posted a reply in another thread that mentioned Buckroe Beach AP... check the response by clicking here (last part of the post). As for the change you noticed... at that time... good question and maybe knowledgeable Ocean Breeze staff or history buffs, potentially reading this thread, could drop some knowledge with an answer, if appropriate?

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Good afternoon enthusiasts...


The time is approximately two-something, post meridian...


Tonight at 11pm (ET) ... a potential point of intrigue may become less intriguing...


... as "Prize #2" is revealed for the "Ocean Breeze Waterpark Trivia Contest"!!!



If amusement industry relics (and possible rarities) are of interest to you... then you'll want to check back to see what gets unearthed from the time-capsule. Whatever it is... it may be yours... IF it matters enough to become a winning trivialite in the contest starting right here, tomorrow morning!


Stay tuned. Spread the word. I'll be back with you later.

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... This trivia contest sounds interesting, and also, nice TR!


"chetCO" - welcome to TPR and thanks for the comment! Very cool your first post would be in this topic. Z104... years and years of hearing their promo spots leave the jingle permanently imbedded in my brain. The Tides Hotel... do you remember ever seeing the "Viking" hotel in VA Beach... the one with the observation window for the pool at street level? We used to park near there all the time when visiting the beach and it was fun watching swimmers become "marine park attractions". The plans may not have gone down exactly as expected by the hotel staff's account... but rides, a rollercoaster, mini-golf, waterpark, and go-carts all currently exist on property grounds. Buckroe... if you ever visited there, we should correspond a moment. I recently posted a reply in another thread that mentioned Buckroe Beach AP... check the response by clicking here (last part of the post). As for the change you noticed... at that time... good question and maybe knowledgeable Ocean Breeze staff or history buffs, potentially reading this thread, could drop some knowledge with an answer, if appropriate?



Hey thanks for the kind words !!! "HOT HITS.... Z ONE OH FOURRRRR"..yeah thats imbedded into my brain too and "97 Star W G H". Here is something you and perhaps others may be interested in..its a 1968 WGH radio broadcast that was done UNDER the Rocket roller coaster at Oceanview. Its under the name Bob Calvert.




Never been to Buckroe when it was open but I was there in the summer of 1987 just in time to see the destruction of the coaster. Richmond's WTVR channel 6 on their website as part of a celebration of their 60th anniversary had a news report they had aired on the last day of Buckroe Beach but I am not sure if its still there or not. Remembering the news report Buckroe sadly wasn't very much.


The Viking Motel..YES YES I remember that place. Still there? Tides was torn down for a Holiday Inn many years ago. I need to head back to VA Beach one of these days.

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Hey thanks for the kind words !!! "HOT HITS.... Z ONE OH FOURRRRR"..yeah thats imbedded into my brain too and "97 Star W G H". Here is something you and perhaps others may be interested in..its a 1968 WGH radio broadcast that was done UNDER the Rocket roller coaster at Oceanview. Its under the name Bob Calvert.




Never been to Buckroe when it was open but I was there in the summer of 1987 just in time to see the destruction of the coaster. Richmond's WTVR channel 6 on their website as part of a celebration of their 60th anniversary had a news report they had aired on the last day of Buckroe Beach but I am not sure if its still there or not. Remembering the news report Buckroe sadly wasn't very much.


The Viking Motel..YES YES I remember that place. Still there? Tides was torn down for a Holiday Inn many years ago. I need to head back to VA Beach one of these days.


Dang man...


I just listened to that radio broadcast... what a blast from before my past. Man... thanks for the link!!!


... and the relevance of "7-11" is made clear with all the spots that mention the convenience store in that broadcast! Who'da thought. Fun times! There's a parallel universe crossroads going on here it seems... the contest date... the stores... my post content... the trivia contest... Hampton Roads history... the randomness...


I'm on processing overload, haha.


Z-104... you got it for sure.


Buckroe... ok... I only visited it once... and my memories are mixed with the interjection of youthful fantasy... so I'm sure some remembrances are accurate while others may not be.


Last I saw the "Viking" had a board over the pool observation window... maybe? That might have just been temporary though. I'll check next time I'm in the area.


Thanks for inspiring the memories... I hope others from Hampton Roads... or those who grew up there and may visit this forum topic will check out the links and touch base with HR history!

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Good evening intrepid internets individuals!



You are witnesses to a grand sight...


... a monumental moment of microcosmic proportions...


... a reckoning of one person's furious folly ...



the unveiling of prize #2 for the "Ocean Breeze Waterpark Trivia Contest"!!!



So here it is...

A hint offered in a previous post stated one prize (this one), "holds things"...

as in... "contains things"

as in... "cups things"


as in...



-- A cup!!! --



However, if the cup rotates a little we see something very interesting...




- Giant classic cartoon icons/characters posing for a group photo around the Eiffel Tower!!! -



This cup was one of a few purchased back in the day, during a visit to King's Dominion (circa 1987). Originally another disposable cup nestled inside this one for hot beverage consumption. (Sorry, the disposable insert is long gone, trashed that day... probably still just barely breaking down in some landfill.) The existing cup you now see is a relic in that Hanna-Barbera, and all featured cartoon characters are now gone (... in some cases, long gone) from association with King's Dominion (and sister properties).


A Disclaimer:

I highly advise against filling this cup with hot beverages, or beverages period. It is not sturdy. It is most likely not microwave or dishwasher safe.


It IS, however, a nifty container for loose change, hat pins, fortune cookie fortunes, smallish bouncy rubber balls, buttons, thumb-tacks, Mardi Gras beads, spare parts for your model railway or spacerail, a pedestal for a trophy Bakugan... and the list of uses goes on and on.


So there you go... old skool enthusiasts and young bucks alike may equally find interest in such a prize... adding to their industry collectibles! The winning contestant will be obtaining BOTH a "BGE-Griffon band" for the wristing, AND a vintage piece of amusement park history!



Everyone's a "winner" in the grand scheme of some ideal reality...


... BUT there can be only ONE... winner... who receives BOTH prizes...


in the "Ocean Breeze Waterpark Trivia Contest".



The questions will be posted and the contest begins around 11am (ET), tomorrow morning (2011/07/11).


Spread the word.

Ponder the trip report, related digital imagery, and captions.

Eat brain food.

Don your thinking caps... and…


Meet me back here in < 12 hours for the trivia questions!

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Good Morning Enthusiasts...


The time has come...

... to talk of many things ...


... but more importantly ...


for the "Ocean Breeze Waterpark Trivia Contest" to BEGIN!!!


The contest is open to TPR members (registered users of this site)... including international enthusiasts!!!


Follow this link to find "Details & Rules" (click here).


The winner receives two prizes, mailed directly to you:

Follow this link for info on "Prize #1" (click here).

Follow this link for info on "Prize #2" (click here).


All answers to each question, except the last one, may be found within the original "Ocean Breeze Waterpark" trip report located at the top of page one (1)... the original post that started this topic/thread. Look through the written portion, in photos, and captions for answers. As for the final question... you are on your own to figure it out.


Follow this link for the "Ocean Breeze Waterpark" trip report and review (click here).


Read the "Details & Rules" to see the correct method for posting answers... first contributor who lists all correct answers in an unedited post "wins".


Good luck... enjoy the random, summer fun... it's been a great journey so far!


... Here are your trivia questions ...




  • 1) What was the original name of Ocean Breeze before it expanded to become Ocean Breeze (Fun Park, Waterpark, etc.)?
    2) A giant mascot stands at one entrance to OB… what (generally) is that mascot? … But not the mascot’s name because…
    3) What is the mascot’s full name (first AND last name)?
    4) The mascot and new slide additions are on the back-side-of-the-mountain. What road does that side of the mountain face?
    5) In the middle of the “activity pool” there is an island. In earlier years, either swimming to it, taking a “challenging path” involving monkey bars, OR walking across anchored floats granted access to that island. A newer attraction exists there now. What is it called?
    6) “Largo Loop” is the name for two slides descending from the mountain summit. What colors are they… really?
    7) Something is in the rear pocket of the swim trunks the mascot wears. However, one of the pictures shows locations to pick up floatation devices (for personal safety, and rental/leisure) followed by an open-air bar and sub shop further down the way. What is the name of the open-air bar?
    8) The wave-pool has a name. What is that name? (Hint: follow the mascot’s tracks.)
    9) (2-part question) “Hurricane” is a high-intensity, high-thrill waterslide. Who manufactured/designed that slide? AND… what does the manufacturer call that particular model of ride?
    10) What year was the attraction answered in question five constructed?
    11) “WTT” are the letters that make up an abbreviation standing for what?
    12) The speed slides that now exist replaced a former attraction. What was that former attraction called?
    13) One of the new slides is a “Bullet Bowl” model from the manufacturer. What are the two colors that make up its course?
    14) Two creatures are posted on the small slide system at the end of the new kid’s expansion. One has a colorful beak. The other is hanging out in a palm tree. What is that one doing?
    15) How many pirates are visibly stationed in, or near, the beached boat located the middle of the new children’s play area?
    16) Two tunnel-slides drop into the “activity pool”. What are they collectively called?
    17) Next to the waterpark is another fun spot where you can bring your OB admission receipt to receive a discount. What is the discount good towards (the product, not the dollar amount)?
    18) “Hook’s Lagoon” is the new name of the overhauled children’s play area. What was it formerly called?
    19) The reviewer (me) had a really good time on one of the new rides that makes up “Neptune’s Revenge” and felt it even deserved a unique ride review. What does the manufacturer call that particular slide model?
    ... aaand ...
    20) New slides replaced the historic mat slides this year. A park map and attraction sign in two images reveal the names of the mat slides. They were called, “Kool Runnings”, “Pelican Falls”, “Toucan Tunnel”, and “Kiddie Caverns”. What were the ORIGINAL names of EACH RESPECTIVE slide before the park became known as Ocean Breeze?





I'm rooting for you... !!!


The prizes are rooting for you...:






the GAME IS AFOOT!!! (... hah... or a-finger!)

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