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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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Oh god, you guys. The post had four sentences, which basically were this:


Generic thank you.

We're aware.

We're aware.

Generic thank you.


That's as close as a PR person will ever get to "shut the f*ck up and leave us alone." Don't read anything into this other than the one message that was actually meant. Quit harrassing these people on Facebook and let them get back to their normal jobs telling normal people (not enthusiasts) about all the fun things to experience at their park.

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That's as close as a PR person will ever get to "shut the f*ck up and leave us alone."


I literally had almost the same exact thing typed out the other day and didn't post it since I didn't want to get people all worked up (you see how well that worked out).


But yeah, my first thought when I saw that was that I could never work in PR because I could never come up with such an eloquent and polite way to blow someone off.

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^ Oh yeah, I read that out loud to Julie a couple of days ago and we had a good laugh about it, but I didn't post anything because I treat this thread like a hornet's nest. But now that everybody's already worked up, now's the time to drop the truth bomb.


Back in college, I worked for a year as a PR rep for a campus organization. That was hard enough, and it was a group no one except those associated with the university knew or cared about. I can't imagine trying to do that job for a theme park.

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This was my first visit back to Darien Lake since 2003 (during its Six Flags era). I had a really fun time and enjoyed my visit.




I am sure that the thousands of GP that attended the park this season also enjoyed their visits despite everything that is said here and in other online places. I am sure attendance was up or on par with other seasons as I heard the park was absolutely packed this season. I am happy to see that someone enjoyed their visit this season.


Sent from my Moto G Play using Tapatalk

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A lot of us like to check out this train wreck of a thread whenever we feel like we need a good laugh, eye roll....or feel like chugging some alcohol because of how many truly dumb posts are in here. There are some good posters on this thread, but there is also a lot more complaining, whining with an abundance of ridiculously idiotic posts that are annoying to the point where they are almost comical.

What a great way to sum things up. This is exactly why I’m on this thread. I’m an over-stressed law school student in need of a few sweet, sweet moments of entertainment, and this thread usually has something amusing going on.

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^ im glad you guys enjoyed your visit! It’s really too bad you weren’t able to stay for the laser show, but you did get on moose on the loose - which some would argue is more important


I didn't know they had a lazor show. I would've stayed had I known.


They sure do! “Ignite the Night: Colorblast” as they call it now. It runs nightly when the park closes at 10:00 and then during harvest fest they have it on Saturdays at 8, even though the park closes at 7. I’m not sure how that works but I’ll be finding out this weekend!

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A lot of us like to check out this train wreck of a thread whenever we feel like we need a good laugh, eye roll....or feel like chugging some alcohol because of how many truly dumb posts are in here. There are some good posters on this thread, but there is also a lot more complaining, whining with an abundance of ridiculously idiotic posts that are annoying to the point where they are almost comical.

What a great way to sum things up. This is exactly why I’m on this thread. I’m an over-stressed law school student in need of a few sweet, sweet moments of entertainment, and this thread usually has something amusing going on.

Guys and girls, why do we have to be the laughing stock of TPR? Why can't we be a normal thread? I'm not saying we have to be the best, but just normal. I have had my fair share of dumb, half minded posts that helped make this thread become known as one of the, if not the worst threads of all time. We've been turned into memes for gosh sake, and now people are coming just for a laugh. We All need to stop fighting over stupid stuff (me included) and nitpicking (Also me) and make Darien great again!

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Multiple People Injured on Ride at Darien Lake:





Looks like Silver Bullet stopped while still at an incline, what’s funny is that I was on it 10 minutes before this happened tonight...I was lucky. They claim it wasn’t a ride malfunction, so it must have been operator error.

Edited by rjr19
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Also, I am aware that this isn’t all of that reliable, but a Ride op on ME claimed that DL is getting a coaster for 2018, and Thunder Rapids will be torn out and the new coaster will be placed there. He seemed pretty confident in saying it, but I won’t actually believe him until I see it.

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Also, I am aware that this isn’t all of that reliable, but a Ride op on ME claimed that DL is getting a coaster for 2018, and Thunder Rapids will be torn out and the new coaster will be placed there. He seemed pretty confident in saying it, but I won’t actually believe him until I see it.


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Also, I am aware that this isn’t all of that reliable, but a Ride op on ME claimed that DL is getting a coaster for 2018, and Thunder Rapids will be torn out and the new coaster will be placed there. He seemed pretty confident in saying it, but I won’t actually believe him until I see it.


Best GIF ever

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Multiple People Injured on Ride at Darien Lake:





Looks like Silver Bullet stopped while still at an incline, what’s funny is that I was on it 10 minutes before this happened tonight...I was lucky. They claim it wasn’t a ride malfunction, so it must have been operator error.


Having no working knowledge of the ride, might it have been a safety stop or E-stop? Somebody unbuckling maybe?

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If the park was removing Thunder Rapids for a new coaster, that probably would have started by now. Don't believe the ride ops or Dippin dots guys ever!


Not necessarily... Motocoaster was announced in January, although it didnt need much site prep obciously. ROS was announced in December 1998, but again, no demolition required. I hunt out near the park, so if I notice it disappearing during the offseason ill obviously post it.

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Earlier in the year during silver bullets hiatus, it was running a weird cycle where it would raise its arm but not spin for a normal ride duration (no one was on it ). Also thunder rapids did close way earlier then any of the other rides, but that was probably due to maintenance. Then again take ride ops words with a grain of salt, we need more details than just: "Oh yeah thunder rapids is leaving and getting replaced " Why would they replace a ride that has a constant wait, that is also a ride that most people can ride because it's not too intense and not to boring, if it's having mechanical issues I'm sure another company that does log flumes can fix it.

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