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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Just when you think contests can't get any better, they go and do something like this. Spend 30 hours in a coffin and you could win $300. It sounds like bad click banner bait but this is real.



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Just when you think contests can't get any better, they go and do something like this. Spend 30 hours in a coffin and you could win $300. It sounds like bad click banner bait but this is real.




This is the dumbest thing ever. You can take bathrooms breaks and there's a charging port in the coffin for your phone. That said, even though they've done everything they can to make this as unimpressive a feat as possible the prize is atrocious. You basically get $10 an hour but only if nobody else competes. If multiple people win they draw a winner and the other people don't get sh*t (well, except the lowest level season pass for next season).


Who would do this?

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Ignoring the costume nonsense, I visited the park on Saturday from noon til around 7pm and had probably the best day I've ever had there. Most of the day we were there with just a couple thousand people at my wife's company as they had the park rented. My young kids are finally old/tall enough to do coasters and they had a total blast riding things like Pandamonium over and over again with no line. Weather was perfect as well. Both Freeze and American Thunder were running as smooth as I've ever experienced, so I wound up marathoning both at different times. Once the crowd was opened to the public at 5 there was a wave of people but still a great time. We wound up renewing our gold passes with her work tickets for 30 dollars a piece, so it was a good deal. The kids were asleep before we left the parking lot and look to be coaster junkies now, so that's a big win. Great day at the park.


That being said, let me talk about the Boss as I finally got to try the "new", castrated experience. Yuck. That will be my last time. It was just as rough as ever, giving me an instant headache....however at least there used to be more excitement to go with the headache. The trains stopped completely at the mid brakes and slowly crept down the hill. The whole "new" back-half of the ride was just super lame to me, and even at the lower speed it was still rough as hell. TL;DR New Boss felt just as rough as ever but less exciting to boot.


Castrated Boss aside, heck of a time at the park on a beautiful first day of Fall.

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While the second half crawled at points, I did enjoy Boss quite a bit back in May. I didn't find it overly rough and got more air than I expected. All of the larger drops plus the final bunny hills sent me out of my seat.


The MCBR did completely kill the pacing though and I agree on that.

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It amuses me how much the boss gets talked about on this tread. This same park has American Thunder which is an amazing wooden roller coaster. American Thunder is fast, fluid and smooth. Anyways back to the regular scheduled complaining lol

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It amuses me how much the boss gets talked about on this tread. This same park has American Thunder which is an amazing wooden roller coaster. American Thunder is fast, fluid and smooth. Anyways back to the regular scheduled complaining lol


Doesn't surprise me at all. The Boss is SFSTL's largest ride and everybody wants/wishes it would be an awesome coaster but unfortunately it is not.

...and that generates conversation.

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It amuses me how much the boss gets talked about on this tread. This same park has American Thunder which is an amazing wooden roller coaster. American Thunder is fast, fluid and smooth. Anyways back to the regular scheduled complaining lol


The Boss is the largest ride in the park and was just altered over the past off-season. Am I not supposed to talk about my first experience on it?

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It amuses me how much the boss gets talked about on this tread. This same park has American Thunder which is an amazing wooden roller coaster. American Thunder is fast, fluid and smooth. Anyways back to the regular scheduled complaining lol


The Boss is the largest ride in the park and was just altered over the past off-season. Am I not supposed to talk about my first experience on it?


You had a legit reason to talk about it. I was talking more in general of the thread. Which is no big deal. The boss is a big imposing ride and I guess i can see why it gets the attention it gets. I just find there to be much much better rides there is all. My bad if you think I targeted you doug.

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It amuses me how much the boss gets talked about on this tread. This same park has American Thunder which is an amazing wooden roller coaster. American Thunder is fast, fluid and smooth. Anyways back to the regular scheduled complaining lol


The Boss is the largest ride in the park and was just altered over the past off-season. Am I not supposed to talk about my first experience on it?


You had a legit reason to talk about it. I was talking more in general of the thread. Which is no big deal. The boss is a big imposing ride and I guess i can see why it gets the attention it gets. I just find there to be much much better rides there is all. My bad if you think I targeted you doug.


Yeah sorry I just read that wrong. All good.

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I actually thought Screamin' Eagle was their best coaster. That's the one I'm shocked doesn't get talked about as often.

Post of the day, sir.


As I've said for Boss:

Middle cars

Front Seat

Butt back.

Lean far forward.

Grab the bar in front of you.


I feel like this is a coasterbill formula, but it works well for Emily and I. It sounds complicated, but it's not. Also, a beer or two doesn't hurt.


We've been 3 for 3 this year and that's after it has torn itself apart all season. I look at Boss like I look at the 2nd half of Beast. Hold the ffck on and enjoy the wild ride. Fortunately, I couldn't care less about airtime on traditional wooden roller coasters, unless we're talking GCI or Phoenix. I hope we continue to have fun on Boss.

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The map for Fright Fest has been posted.


From the description of Blood Bank: "our vampires will serve you an adult beverage Blood Bank style." Looks like Highland Fling's queue will be used as the bar area for this. I wonder where they'll move it next season if this proves to be a popular area?


I thought "Project Chromo" would just be a rename for Zombieville since it's going into the same spot, but it appears that Zombieville will be relocated to the Spinsanity area. Nice of the park to add a scare zone instead of just replacing one.

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So, have y'all seen about SFStL's "Coffin Challenge"? I can't believe I did it, but I went ahead and filled out the application....




According to this Alabama site that is covering the addition of the coffin challenge to SFOG, over 25,000 people applied for the challenge in St Louis, so they extended the challenge to the rest of their parks. I didn't think $300 was much money but 25,000 applicants states otherwise.



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$300 to stay in a coffin for 30 hours. That sounds miserable with very little payout. I don't get it. I think I'd rather make a little less than $1500 and work 30 hours of overtime. It sounds way better than doing absolutely nothing for God knows what purpose. There's going to be nothing fun about it.


All that aside, good on SF for coming up with a way to generate attention.

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