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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 468: Loch Ness Monster Media Day Report

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This is looking seriously awesome. Thi13teen's drop section was more like a frog hopper, this is going to be a proper drop... AWESOME! This is looking much better than I could have anticipated, after seeing the outlines for the layout I was a bit , but after it being announced and seeing this proper drop I am now . It seems that Verbolten corrects all the "not so great" elements of Thi13teen with what should be a better coaster part and a better drop.

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You do realize what's going to happen now...


Much like Thorpe Park made a big hoohaw about Swarm's element, I bet Alton Towers is going to be doing the same thing comparing Verbolten's drop with Thirteen's drop...

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^ No, he means like when Thorpe sent out the letter saying, "We wanted our wing rider drop to be unique and now SFGAM is using it, we could be bitter but we wish them the best of luck with the THORPE PARK inversion blah blah blah." Alton Towers could, and likely will send out a release wishing BGW the best of luck with the Alton Towers drop.

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Thorpe Park have released a statement to Thorpe Park Mania, in regards to Six Flags GA's wing rider and it's first inversion:



''Hi THORPE PARK Mania fans.


We hope you're all excited about the arrival of THE SWARM. We're having great fun building up to its launch and we hope you are too!


We wanted to write a little message to you all following the news that Six Flags Great America will also be launching a winged rollercoaster next year very similar to THE SWARM. Some of you may have noticed that when we say it's going to be very similar, it really is going to be VERY similar. When we set about designing and developing our winged coaster we had to make sure it had the THORPE PARK stamp on it. One of the ways we achieved this was by developing the unique inverted dive at the start of the ride that will be sure to kick-off your awesome apocalyptic flight in adrenaline-fuelled style! As you can imagine then, we were quite surprised to see that the new ride at Six Flags will also adopt the 'THORPE PARK Inversion'!


While we could be bitter about this, we would actually like to wish Six Flags Great America the best of luck with the 'THORPE PARK Inversion' and we hope that this is a start of things to come, that one day the 'THORPE PARK Inversion' will become famous in the rollercoaster world! We aim high!


Thanks again for all your support and we'll see you all at Fright Nights.






I bet in some way or another Zierer will have to pay Intamin because they patented magnetic brakes on drop towers...

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^Except this isn't a drop tower. Depending on what the patent entails, there may or may not be any sort of infringement whatsoever.


This ride looks like it will be a good addition to the park. I visited for the first time this summer and loved everything about BGW. It seemed like one more coaster would be great though. I felt that would round off their collection very nicely and this seems like it will fit that spot. Hopefully I will be able to get back in the near future to try it out.

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@ jmicha:


There has been an ongoing feud between Intamin and Magnetar Technologies, the original Intamin patent was for DROP TOWERS, but then Intamin tried to sue for a company (can't remember who) for using magnetic brakes on a roller coaster and they succeeded (seemingly for infringing the patent). This is both a drop tower and a coaster, so Intamin with their deep pockets will get money out of this somehow.



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This looks really cool, primarily because those look like magnetic brakes, so I think we're looking at legitimate freefall here!! Looks to be about 10 feet judging by the guys sitting on the tracks. Can't wait to see more track go up - especially the finale!


I'd say 15 feet. Take a look at the how big the guy standing (lower left hand corner of the picture.) I assumed that he is about six feet tall. I then took a look at the drawing, and the track is in the top position; the rails are about even with the joining section of the A-frame supports. I assume that the track is resting at the bottom position in the real photo. So I used my fingernails to "size up" the standing construction worker, and I got about 2.5 of those distances from the top of the rails to the top of where the track would stop. 6 * 2.5 = 15.

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I really doubt Intamin will sue Zerier over the fact that they used magnetic brakes. Honestly, rides use magnetic brakes more than the conventional pinch brakes now a days.


As for that drop system. Intamin's system wasn't a true free fall. It used a system where it was "pulled" downward.


If I'm looking at this right, it looks like this will be like a conventional free fall on a coaster, and is probably going to be easier to maintain than Intamin's due to the more simplistic system.


I cannot wait to see this completed! It really is the attraction of 2012 that I am looking forward to the most with all of it's unique elements, theming and such.

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Water Country USA is looking to double its footprint of attractions, but details are slim.


The Planning Commission will review an application to amend the master plan to expand the park. The original plan approved in 1996 encompassed 163 acres. The park later grew to 222 acres.


The original master plan allowed for the addition of 37 acres of attractions to the park. Attractions currently span 41 acres. The new plan would add another 43 acres of attractions.


The plan also includes restrictions and guidelines on buffers, setbacks from nearby streams and other properties, as well as guidelines for stormwater management.


Planning documents and documents submitted by the park do not elaborate on how quickly the expansion might happen or what kinds of new attractions or facilities might be added.


Want to go? The Planning Commission will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12, in York Hall at 301 Main St. in Yorktown.

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Water country USA planning to double the size of their park? Holy (your favorite expression here)!!! I wonder if the park gets the OK it needs, what attractions are they planning to put in there?


I remember first visiting the park in 1986 and my most recent visit in 2008, and there is a big difference between those visits. Back in 1986, Water Country USA was tiny compared to Water Country USA of today. Why, getting extra room will mean . . . do ya think? I hope so . . . maybe Water Country USA can finally get its own WATER COASTER!!! Why stop there, how about a Shoot the Chutes ride (that Noah's Ark in Wisconsin Dells has); or how about some rapid tubing rides that Schilitterbahn has so many of. Do you think they could beat the record that Schilitterbahn has and make the world's longest tubing ride? And the biggest question of all, will they put in an attraction that will cause me to drop everything, put on my water riding clothes, and go there?


Oh, let the speculations commence.


"You and those water rides. You dream so much about water parks I am considering exchanging myself for a plastic pillow!"

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