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  1. Ride photos are offered at Colorado Adventure, Winjas Fear and Force and Chiapas.
  2. Exactly, it's now up-front paying like in the summer season. Just a bit cheaper (39,50€ for adults). You shouldn't miss the show "tiempo de fuego" in my opinion, it's a projection mapping show in the Chiapas area with a great "fiery" finale. There also is the evening show "the magic rose" that ends with a firework every evening, but it's very popular and personally i don't bother with waiting an hour in the cold to see it. And don't forget to catch some evening rides on Taron. Flying through the fog in the illuminated second launch is just incredible!
  3. Actually this was for the old efteling concept called "Hartenhof". Symbolica developed into something different and will most certainly get a trackless ride system like ratatouille the ride.
  4. Phantasialand released many new images of the new area today. Looks impressive! Check out everything on the parks website: http://www.phantasialand.de/de/park/themenwelt-klugheim/themenwelt/
  5. Phantasialand released a new video showing the testing: The new magazine-article also confirms that Taron will run with 4 trains and that there will be a seperate section for load and unload.
  6. It got quite a bit faster already, and Taron is still in it's early days of testing! Here is some newer footage:
  7. Maybe it's just the perspective though.. at least the second row appears to have fine leg room:
  8. While it is true that both make usage of the typical nordic design elements they differ in color, font, detail. It's quite interesting that three Ram heads are worked into the logo, maybe the coaster cars will be themed as a battering ram.
  9. The name of the new ride will be: Taron It will most definitely be a coaster. Here is the logo of it: Click
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