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Uriel Galindo

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  1. You keep insulting teenagers but keep in mind that people like Coaster Studios or even the guy that created All american thrills are both teenagers. You shoudn't judge a person based on a comment he made online. Yes there are some dumb teenagers but there are also some very stupid adults in this world like Trump. You just can't stereotype a certain group of people. Keep insulting teenagers? Your statement would imply that I do this all the time? And I don't, except when someone warrants it. My ribbing was not directed at all teenagers, just this particular individual. If you've ever read any of my posts before, I am an equal opportunity offender. I take pot shots when the opportunity arises. That includes myself. In fact, I would argue that I poke fun at myself more than anyone in life. Ever. I am my own best friend, and my own worst enemy. It is my blessing, and my curse. I both love and hate myself. Alpha, Omega, Omnibus, Demibus, Uridedabus, Iridethebus, We all ride the bus. You follow me right? Guy "Go Kentucky Kingdom & Storm Chaser! San Dimas High School Football Rules!" Koepp Ok but if I was that guy I don't think I would appreciate someone making fun of me but thats just me tho
  2. You keep insulting teenagers but keep in mind that people like Coaster Studios or even the guy that created All american thrills are both teenagers. You shoudn't judge a person based on a comment he made online. Yes there are some dumb teenagers but there are also some very stupid adults in this world like Trump. You just can't stereotype a certain group of people. Keep insulting teenagers? Your statement would imply that I do this all the time? And I don't, except when someone warrants it. My ribbing was not directed at all teenagers, just this particular individual. If you've ever read any of my posts before, I am an equal opportunity offender. I take pot shots when the opportunity arises. That includes myself. In fact, I would argue that I poke fun at myself more than anyone in life. Ever. I am my own best friend, and my own worst enemy. It is my blessing, and my curse. I both love and hate myself. Alpha, Omega, Omnibus, Demibus, Uridedabus, Iridethebus, We all ride the bus. You follow me right? Guy "Go Kentucky Kingdom & Storm Chaser! San Dimas High School Football Rules!" Koepp Ok but if I was that guy I don't think I would appreciate someone making fun of me but thats just me tho
  3. You keep insulting teenagers but keep in mind that people like Coaster Studios or even the guy that created All american thrills are both teenagers. You shoudn't judge a person based on a comment he made online. Yes there are some dumb teenagers but there are also some very stupid adults in this world like Trump. You just can't stereotype a certain group of people. Calling any of the political candidates dumb is extremely narrow minded and ignorant. Not only that, but the rest of the internet is loaded with political name calling and propaganda. I think we can all agree that you need to take that garbage somewhere else. If you want to talk politics or take jabs at political stances then it would be a lot more appropriate to create your own thread. Now, back to Kentucky Kingdom. And you don't think calling all kids dumb is ignorant and narrow minded?
  4. You keep insulting teenagers but keep in mind that people like Coaster Studios or even the guy that created All american thrills are both teenagers. You shoudn't judge a person based on a comment he made online. Yes there are some dumb teenagers but there are also some very stupid adults in this world like Trump. You just can't stereotype a certain group of people. Calling any of the political candidates dumb is extremely narrow minded and ignorant. Not only that, but the rest of the internet is loaded with political name calling and propaganda. I think we can all agree that you need to take that garbage somewhere else. If you want to talk politics or take jabs at political stances then it would be a lot more appropriate to create your own thread. Now, back to Kentucky Kingdom. And you don't think calling all kids dumb is ignorant and narrow minded?
  5. Yeah the layout of this coaster looks awesome but all of the supports and the I-Beams just make it look like unfinished ride even tho they're not done building it yet. Without the I-Beams, this ride would look like a more polished ride but the I-Beams are crutial for the type of inversions that these coasters do. Taking out the I-Beams would create immense stress on the supports that could lead to the supports tearing up easier.
  6. You keep insulting teenagers but keep in mind that people like Coaster Studios or even the guy that created All american thrills are both teenagers. You shoudn't judge a person based on a comment he made online. Yes there are some dumb teenagers but there are also some very stupid adults in this world like Trump. You just can't stereotype a certain group of people.
  7. Mine was le Vampire at La Ronde. I was terrified looking at the drop and the loop at my left.
  8. Yes it's been at La Ronde for a month now so I'm very anxious to see how it is now. I imagine they have done a bit of work on it now.
  9. I think that would be a waste of time and money because La Ronde already has a Zamperla hammer ride which does the exact same thing as a Larson superloop ride. Also, since 2011-2012 there has been a rumour going on between the employees that La Ronde will get a BIG new coaster for the park's 50th anniversary in 2017. A lot of people think it will be an RMC treatment on le Monstre since there has been clues that have lead coaster enthusiasts to get to that conclusion like when there was RMC employees taking pictures of the ride in July while they were retracking it with topper track. Also, for le Vampire yeah sure I'm excited for that but I also think it's kinda cheap but next year's new additions are probably cheap to save some money for the big new coaster for 2017.
  10. Or when its winter and all of the parks close for 6 1/2 months
  11. Yeah I meant the back compared to the front lol I just edited my previous post
  12. Ah because I always find the back more intense than the front.
  13. Well yeah La Ronde started getting worse and worse until 2012. That's the year when it started getting better in my opinion. Yeah La Ronde's coasters are about average imo, le Monstre is fun but rough, le Goliath is also very fun and snooth but did you ride le Vampire? Le Vampire is without any doubt the best coaster there. For some reason it's a lot more intense than the other Batman clones but that's probably because of the shorter 7 car trains on le Vampire as opposed to the 8 car trains on the Batman clones. Yes, we rode Le Vampire but I didn't really notice much difference in intensity compared with the ones that I have ridden at SFGA or SFMM. Don't get me wrong, I do like the Batman inverts...I just didn't really recall this one being much different from the rest. Really? That's weird. Your the first person that I heard actually say that lol
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