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About huntasha

  • Birthday 11/18/1993

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  1. Gary, the Haunt has officially started. When are you able to spill the beans on your next hint?
  2. Gary, if we do solve this correctly, are you even going to tell us? Guess what also happened on April 18, 2014? Holiday World confirmed the removal of their flume drop ride. Will The Wave be removed to make way for a new attraction towards the park's front gate? Seems plausible to me.
  3. I like your thinking, but the theming idea isn't completely original because there is already a B&M invert with snow/ice theming (Alpengeist at Busch Gardens Williamsburg). If we get an invert, I think Falcon would be a good choice for a name. I actually heard that VF actually had plans to build a B&M invert in the early-2000's called Falcon: Bird of Prey, but for some reason, the plans fell through, and we got Steel Venom instead. As much as I like Steel Venom, I would rather have gotten the B&M invert. I'm not sure how true this is, but I also remember seeing somewhere that Hydra: The Revenge was supposed to come to VF and be put in the place where Renegade is now, but it went to Dorney Park instead. I don't understand why CF hasn't been willing to give Valleyfair a B&M in the past, but hopefully that might change in the next few years. Well, no, a snow/ice-themed Invert certainly would not be 100% original, but it would certainly be better than one with dragon-themed, which has to be one of the most tried and tired ride themes out there.
  4. YES! It's totally "BANSHEE ROLLER COASTER KING'S ISLAND"! Great work, everyone. So far, the avalanche on Mount Everest and the attached photo are the only event of significance I can find. The worst part is that even if we're correct, I don't think that Gary will tell us... I'm going on a limb and officially predicting that 2016 will bring the grand opening of a snow/ice themed B&M Invert, because dragon theming is unoriginal. This type of theming would make sense for an amusement park located in Minnesota. (For those of you have never been, yes, it gets extremely cold in the winter, but we do NOT live in igloos. )
  5. Oh my god! This is brilliant, Gary, but one of the most frustrating puzzles I've ever attempted to solve. I'm fairly good with anagrams, and in general, the English language, but I'm stumped as of now. I've exhausted nearly roller-coaster related term, whether it be "FLOORLESS," "INVERT," "GIGA," "BOLLIGER AND MABILLARD," "INTAMIN," "ROCKY MOUNTAIN CONSTRUCTION," "PREMIER," "SIX FLAGS," "CEDAR FAIR," and more. I also tried the names of all of the Cedar Fair parks, and only one fits. I've tried the names of every roller coaster I could possibly think of, and while some fit, they obviously don't make up 5 words or 31 characters, even when paired with a park name or manufacturer as a logical sentence would have it. So far, the only thing that actually fits is "BANSHEE AT KING'S ISLAND," which would make sense in the context of the hint sentence, but what would the other word be? I'm totally lost!
  6. You are absolutely killing me, Gary! I totally get why you can't reveal much, though. This riddle is going to kill me even more. Obviously, the first things to come to mind are rain showers and Easter eggs. I'm so bad at this kind of thing. Ideas, anyone?
  7. So, Garyman, when are you able to finally spill the beans on the exciting 2016 rumor that you've been sitting on?
  8. Oh, you! If Valleyfair does end up building a new coaster in that area, I really hope that they re-direct the entire layout of the pathways. Now that I've been to other, real amusement parks apart from Valleyfair (my home park), I realize how strange Valleyfair's layout is. Especially the dead end at the back of the park.
  9. Do you all think that this means anything? I just noticed this while browsing the website and thought it might be worth a mention. I don't remember Excalibur ever closing pre-haunt. Take a look for yourself. https://www.valleyfair.com/things-to-do/thrill-rides Obviously, the coaster enthusiast in me is thinking OMG OMG 2016, but I'm maintaining realism. I'm heading to Valleyfair tomorrow, and I'll be sure to report anything that I might see.
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