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  1. I'm 6'3 and when I rode I305 it fit great and was very comfortable. I think you could be 6'6 and be fine with those restraints.
  2. #1 Iron Dragon Cedar Point when I was 6 #25 Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit IOA #50 Dominator Kings Dominion It was the first roller coaster I saw my dad ride when it was at Geauga Lake when I was 5 so it had to be number 50 #50 Steel only The Fly Canada's Wonderland
  3. 1950's- Sea Dragon Jungle Jacks Landing #53 overall (have only ridden this and Comet at Waldameer) 1960's- Blue Streak Cedar Point #52 overall (have only ridden this and Cedar Creek Mine Ride) 1970's- The Beast Kings Island #12 overall 1980's- Grizzly Kings Dominion #18 overall 1990's- Incredible Hulk Islands of Adventure #14 overall 2000's- Millennium force Cedar Point #2 overall 2010's- I305 kings dominion #1 overall I have ridden 69 RollerCoasters
  4. I am going to Canada's Wonderland on Sunday the 7th does anyone know what the lines are like in September? I know school is back in session. Thanks for the help.
  5. Iron Dragon at Cedar Point when I was 6. It was also my first roller coaster.
  6. I am going to kings island either opening day or on Easter does anyone know how the lines would be on Easter? I would think the park would not be crowded because it's Easter but that might be the only time to go for some people. I hope you can answer my question thanks.
  7. I am going to Kings Island April 18th or 20th which day would have shorter wait times? I can go either day and am not very sure which day would be better because opening day is a Friday but might be packed because it will be the first day for Banshee but if I go on Sunday it would be the weekend so I am not sure what I should do? I hope someone can help me with this thanks. Also would one day be better for banshee but not better overall? I also have platinum passes if that makes a difference. Thanks Elissa I fixed it now. I checked about a month ago and it said it opened May 2nd sorry
  8. When I rode millennium force for the first time. It was the first day I had rode any roller coaster. I was 6 years old and was finally tall enough. I decided I wanted to ride it. When I got to the station I was more scared than I have ever been. The thing I remember most is the music for the station. When I was going up the lift hill my dad said look ahead don't look down because I was freaking out. I was severely scared of heights then. But when the ride was over I went on to ride it 6 more times that night because Ioved it so much it is still my favorite coaster to this day.
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