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  1. Well now that TT2 with the LSM swing launch is open and has had actual human riders I guess we can officially say that those f*ckin' crackhead enthusiasts were right for once.
  2. Yeah or ya know.... maybe have a couple of actual rides so that people who aren't into the role play stuff have something to do.
  3. I still think there is a future for these interactive/immersive themed entertainment concepts sometime/somewhere in the future but first Star Cruiser closing and not this it doesn't really look good. Star Cruiser had the obvious issues with cost, this maybe some issues with location/concept, and both of them the timing of Covid I'm sure didn't help. Hopefully there's a future for the site as something as it did look like a pretty cool place.
  4. I'll be honest I love Test Track but I'm not really that interested in this renovation. I mean other than some kind of significant change to the layout/ride experience I just don't really know what they can do to this attraction for a third time to make it any better than it already is.
  5. Yeah that's fair, I did forget about that one. That will be interesting to experience as it is a complelty new ride system,
  6. Sorry I didn't mean to come off as being rude or cynical, but I do think there's a fair amount of recency bias with this project since there is so much information on social media with construction updates and speculation and the official press releases from Universal's official accounts. As far as the scale of the project to me it's not that much different than IOA when it opened? Both had similar number of lands and major attractions and rides. Spiderman, Hulk, Dragons, Stun Show, Poseidon Show, Popeye, Ripsaw, Jurassic Park, Camp Jurassic, Cat n Hat Ride, couple of flats and Starfall Racers, Mario Dark Ride, Donkey Kong, Monster Dark Ride, Monsters Coaster, Dragon Coaster, Dragon Show, flat ride and splash battle, whatever is in the new Potter land. Also don't get me wrong here, I am VERY excited to check this whole place out eventually, really really excited about it, but also don't know if there's anything that's goin to be truly ground breaking or revolutionary or "game changing" as so many fans keep referring to it as.
  7. Well in my lifetime this will be about the 8th time, maybe the 10the time if you want to count MGM Studios and Universal Orlando in 1989 and 1990. I was only like 6 but I do remember visiting UO in it's opening year so I guess that counts. Now if you want to start counting non Disney and Universal Parks in China and Dubai amongst other places.......... well that number could get pretty high. I can't even keep up with what's being built in China anymore but they have built several brand new parks of this scale.
  8. Yeah Aulani has always looked incredible, looks like an amazing trip. Aulani has also always made me wish that the Disney Beach resorts over here on the east coast (Vero Beach and Hilton Head) we just a little bit nicer and more of a true resort type destination like what Aulani is.
  9. They still do, and always have as long as I can remember. I haven't been on it in years but the website still says it's a free for passholders and a "nominal fee" for non-passholders. Look I don't like an upcharge but this really isn't that big of a deal to me. If anything it's just another thing to incentive you to buy a pass which seems to be a big part of their business. I'm just glad the ride is open again, if it takes $5.00 to keep it open then fine. Also if I remember correctly the line for this thing used to be awful due to it's massive popularity and somewhat lower capacity, so if it takes $5.00 for them to make a little money on the thing and keep the waits down a little I'm all for it. If people are going to complain about anything complain about $40.00 to park instead of $5.00 to go on a really cool vintage skyride attraction.
  10. I have a lot of thoughts about this project as a whole, most of them are good, there are a few things I'm a little skeptical about/curious to see how it turns out, but..... These images of the Celestial Park central hub section looks pretty amazing, way better than what I had previously envisioned for that area so that's exciting. I'm guess they're slowly going to release some more details about each of the lands and attractions in those lands over the next year, but overall pretty cool project.
  11. Yeah we were there on Saturday and I was a bit surprised how well hidden the new coaster is behind the construction walls. We had some nice views of it from on Manta and from the walk up to the SeaLion theatre but other than that it's surprisingly well tucked away. Does looks to be a fun little coaster though, we'll definitely be making another quick trip down after it opens. On Saturday Ice Breaker had about a 45 minute line both times we walked by it, I don't know how accurate the que time boards at SeaWorld are but the covered que building was mostly full. I don't think I've ever waited more than one switchback for that thing so maybe the change to 48 inches is paying off now.
  12. Honestly I didn't realize the place was still open. I've got a lot of memories from the music venue there, and the horse track, but I think I only ever went to Coney Island maybe like once? Hopefully the area gets some love with the new development but yeah losing Coney Island isn't much of a surprise.
  13. Thanks! Our hotel is like a block away from Bryant Park so I'm sure we'll spend a lot of time at that Winter Village (racclette!). Ellen's Stardust looks like a perfect spot for us so thanks for that! The girls have seen touring productions of Aladdin and Lion King, but Six would be fun if we can get tickets. Since it's the week of Christmas a lot of shows appear to have low availability (and seem to be pretty expensive) so we'll see what happens with adding a show. I have a feeling after a few days of walking they're gonna be worn out so maybe trip to American Dream wouldn't be the worst thing. Thanks for the response!
  14. We're taking the girls to NYC over Christmas for their first trip to the city and since I've followed you're adventures there over the years (decades now?) with KT thought I'd ask for a tip here. My kids are 8 and 11, we've got tickets to one show (And Juliet) and will probably try to see a second. We're going to do all the typical touristy stuff, central park, time's square, 9/11 memorial, one of the observations decks, ice skating, probably hit a museum, all of that. I've read all the travel blogs and "top 20 things to do with kids in NYC!" websites and it's kind of all the same stuff, so I was wondering if you've found anything unique and different over the years that 8 and 11 year old girls would enjoy. Any really cool kid friendly restaurants to check out? Anything to completely avoid with kids because it's just crappy over priced tourist junk? Other than tickets to And Juliet we're pretty wide open schedule wise right now with 3.5 days to fill with something to do. Also, I don't remember if you've been to American Dream yet, but if you have is it worth wasting a half a day to get there and back to shop a little and ride a couple of coasters? It's almost weird to say that my kids have never been to a real "mall" but the ones around here are kind of crappy, so we're kind of considering that.
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