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  1. Looks like the rumor is now fact. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2021/05/29/safd-rescuing-20-six-flags-attendees-from-a-stuck-rollercoaster/
  2. It's been so long since I've posted on a board as I lost of lot of interest when I lost my home park , ASTROWORLD. Forgive my ignorance but is this TAZ's Texas Tornado from ASTROWORLD? It certainly looks like the ride I rode at AW. It's very sad regardless of the reason.
  3. Nice interview, good job. I did not see a link, sorry if I missed it posted already. Here is where I watched it. http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?p=hln+roller+coaster&tnr=21&vid=AFB70A22CF7D11728612AFB70A22CF7D11728612&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DUA.347672221217%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2Fvideos%2Fwatch%2F%3Fq%3Dhln%2Broller%2Bcasoter%26vid%3DAFB70A22CF7D11728612AFB70A22CF7D11728612%26docid%3D347672221217&sigr=13mk727jg&tt=b&tit=Robb+Alvey+on+Headline+News+Discussing+Texas+Giant+Accident+and+...&back=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%3Fei%3DUTF-8%26p%3Dhln%2Broller%2Bcasoter%26fr%3Dyfp-t-307&sigb=129f8th3v
  4. For me, observing the 5th anniversary of not having a theme park in Houston. Yep, it has been 5 years since AstroWorlds Death.
  5. Thanks for the pics. So sad as it brings back great memories especially this time of year. I miss FrightFEST. It was pretty awesome at AW. To think I waited 3 hours to ride the year it opened!! It was a huge deal for us in Houston!
  6. Awesome Coaster. Hurray SFOG. I can't imagine this without OTSR. That will be thrilling. I would bet an evacuation on a stuck lift chain could be very interesting on this coaster.
  7. I am embarrassed. I was waiting to see how it would look once it was painted black! I did not imagine this was the final color! Maybe they want it to be kid friendly.
  8. The former AW plot was sold not too terribly long after deconstruction. SF's has not owned that land for many years now.
  9. Yeah indeed, if it sticks to the art concept even 50%, it would be an incredible park. Now we just have to wait a few years to see!
  10. In the initial plans it was more educational, not a theme park. Then AW closed and they saw an opportunity for more. One section is still educational, and separate from the theme areas. Here is a little more background. Notice the title of the article... "EARTHQUEST IS NO ‘DINOSOUR PARK’" IAAPA Funworld March 2009 Industry Notes by Keith Miller EARTHQUEST IS NO ‘DINOSOUR PARK’ PLANS FOR A NEW 500-ACRE ENTERTAINMENT AND EDUCATIONAL PROJECT, WHICH HAS BEENMISCHARACTERIZED AS A “DINOSAUR PARK” IN SOME NEWS STORIES, are taking shape in New Caney, Texas, about 40 minutes from downtown Houston. __ To be called EarthQuest, the development include a for-profit entertainment park complete with rides and other attractions, and a nonprofit educational institute, according to Don Lessem, creator and founder of the park. “It’s a $500 million project with about 50 different rides, including several ‘E-ticket’ rides,” he said, “like going inside a volcano, going through an actual ice cave, launch rides, coasters, and technologies that haven’t been used before.” _ The park will be divided into sections— one devoted to sky, one to water, one to land, and one to prehistory, which will be called Pangaea. There will also be a waterpark and an animal park featuring creatures from Africa, South America, and Texas. At the center of the park, said Lessem, will be the EarthQuest Institute, a $100 million research and educational center comprising 58 acres. “It’s a very interactive environmental presentation,” said Lessum, “and a lot of that is about how we change the way we live. It’s going to have 4-D theaters, reconstructed environments from the past, and lots of very enterprising interactive presentations of new research.” Lessem said the reason the park has been mischaracterized is because of his reputation for creating traveling and permanent exhibitions featuring dinosaurs, his work as an adviser on the original “Jurassic Park” movie and theme park ride, and his creation of the two largest charities for dinosaur research, all of which have earned him the nickname “Dino” Don. Lessem noted that Marlin Atlantis is the company behind EarthQuest, and its principal, John Marlin, is a developer who owns the project’s land. Contour Entertainment of Van Nuys, California, has been brought on board to design the project, and Lessum said they’ve already chosen the suppliers they’ll be using for the project. The institute is slated to open in the fall of 2011 and the park in the spring of 2012. Anticipated attendance for the entire project is 3 million annually.
  11. Only time will tell. I hope so. What I love is all the water and location. This is in a very wooded area, not in the Houston city limits.
  12. I am not a fan of soak rides for the many reasons mentioned before. At ASTROWORLD, I NEVER once rode the Intamin chute water ride. With that said, thousands of people stood in line each day to ride it and get soaked. People would stand on the bridge to be splashed and soaked by a huge wave. So...people do like this soaked effect. Perhaps just not many of us. Would I ride this? NO, but I bet thousands of others a day will and have the time of their life doing so.
  13. OK , no problem! Hope you like them! We are watching it closely here in Houston. We deperately need something to fill in the ASTROWORLD void. We don't get many updates but the latest is poles were installed for some signage a few weeks back, and the planned ground breaking is next summer. Fingers crossed it actually moves forward soon but only time will tell! [/i]
  14. Still in planning and development phase. This was the last press we saw on it here in Houston. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nb/humble/news/6588194.html
  15. Awesome pictures and report. Thanks for taking time to share with us.
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