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About jamjar

  • Birthday 03/28/1995

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  1. So I attempted to re-downloaded NL on to my new pc, and I just paid for it. The only problem is I can't remember how to download the full release! I click onto the page and it re-directs me to the purchasing page every time. Can someone help please? Thanks
  2. I've just recovered from an amazing week; 30 Seconds To Mars and Enter Shikari at Manchester Central (which is HUGE by the way) on the 4th December Pendulum and Hadouken!, also at Manchester Central on the 8th and You Me At Six, Set Your Goals and The Blackout at Manchester Apollo on the 12th. I got a chest infection from Pendulum, due to it being -4 degrees outside and myself wearing beach shorts. All of the bands were amazing and I just got my tickets for next years Leeds Festival.. LEEDS!
  3. I've just come back off of Celebrity Constellation around the Mediterranean. The ship was "solsticized" in early 2010, so it has things like a frozen martini bar and a complete overhaul. It was awesome! Have a really good time! I'm going on Celebrity Eclipse next year and I'm really looking forward to it!
  4. I'm thinking a Splash Battle, a disko perhaps? and a re theme of the kiddie log flume? either way, this is great news!
  5. ^ You lucky son of a.. Hope you had a great time
  6. You me at six just announced their support acts for their tour this year! Set Your Goals and The Blackout! I'm so excited right now!
  7. Green Day was simply amazing! They played near on 20 something songs . Tre Cool threw drumsticks into the crowd and I got one! Seeing as I am a drummer myself too But then this fat a$$hole literally headbutted me and took it off me.
  8. Well that sucked... 0-0 against Algeria?! C'mon England this is getting pretty embarrassing now.
  9. Nice! I'm on the cruise that gets back on the 14th! I'll answer as many as I can - You should be able to board from early afternoon-ish as people normally go to the windjammer for lunch on the first day. And on the last day you'll be told when to disembark for luggage ect. - The entertainment should be great, I went on independence last year in may for 4 nights, and I only actually watched one show But my family said that they we're fantastic, so I think I'll be looking out for some good ones this year Also, there are two shows per night, one for early seating diners and one for the latter. There are some ice skating shows as well, but they aren't as frequent. - Dining-wise; the main dining room is fantastic! The buffet is kinda busy most of the time, but you'll always get a seat and everything else. The only speciality restaurant I went to (Well, not really speciality ) Was johnny rockets, the american grill thing. But that was only like $6 pp and unlimited fries, onion rings (Not sure what happened here? ) and milkshakes ftw! And there's a pizza place on the promenade called sorrento's which is pretty decent too - I'm not sure about excursions as they are pretty damn expensive. But look at what you will be doing and what suits most of the members in your group would be my advice. - Finally, I really do recommend the unlimited soda fountain package. Its like $6/$7 a day and it is basically unlimited soda, like coke, sprite etc. But it will definitely add up in the end, as drinks are very expensive in my opinion. But apart from that, all I can say is have fun!
  10. Nemesis. I don't think I was that scared actually, because it isnt tall and didn't seem *that* fast. Great ride though!
  11. Not a ride picture I know, but its the only elevated shot I could find on my computer at the moment. Taken from Mijas in Spain, Looking down onto Mijas Costa/Fuengirola.
  12. Has anyone bought the resurgance packeage for MW2? It seems like another complete waste of money to be honest
  13. Any TPR'ers into chiptune? Basically music made on gameboys and stuff find more Here
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