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thepoint4life23 last won the day on December 21 2023

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About thepoint4life23

  • Birthday 06/10/1987

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    Westerville, OH
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  1. Its Still very helpful at cedar point on a weekend on some of the bigger rides.
  2. If you get in early you can knock out a few of the big coasters but i would guess and hour wait later in the day for most the bigger rides if not longer, but a lot of people will be in the water park
  3. Too answer your question. I haven't heard anyone complain about the locker issue yet that has been. We will see more on Saturday!
  4. Kings Island can get pretty busy during the summer due to all the local city's to the park. Cedar point is about 3.5 hours from Mason, so you are going to want to stay, not seeing you make a 7 hour drive in one day. The best bet would be stay at one of the cedar point hotels. Cedar point would busy and fast lane would be recommended.
  5. They Could always do what Universal does do free locker for a posted amount of time and if your stuff is still in the locker after said time then you get charged for it. People have also said why not just leave your stuff in the SV locker then walk to ride TTD. This is a long way and people freak out about not having a phone for 5 min could only imagine people starting to freak out about the phone being gone for hours on the other side of the park.
  6. What happens when the Fastlane line opening weekend is as long as the normal line. Can't wait for that S storm.
  7. People are mad about only getting one ride, yea it sucks but you can always wait the 6 hours to ride it if you want. People never got to ride the OG one and they all lived to talk about it.
  8. The first week in May is Pretty slow but they also do some kind of Physics week/math days, but the kids have activates that have to do and still leave pretty early. You can get a lot done early and later. I went the Tuesday after Memorial day last year and was pretty slow and I think that week was kind of slow. A lot of the Ohio schools start Mid to late August so that helps in August. With that said a lot of Michigan school go back after labor day. Like said before the Week before the park closes for weekday operation is pretty slow. I have also been told the weekend before halloweekends starts is slow. The thing is that with TT2 opening people might go early but that is still a small group of people.
  9. Cheaper in this case doesn't mean its a less good product. They could of asked for a bids from a few company's. Zamperla could of picked to be less just to get the project. This is kind of the one chance they have show the world what they can do in the Big coaster game. Zamperla Could of approached Cedar Point with a idea that could of kicked started the project. I feel like I heard intamin was never given a chance to discuss the redesign but I could be wrong.
  10. I haven't been this year but i have seen pictures. The place looked packed last weekend and the weekend before. Weather looks not to cold so I would say would be pretty busy unless it rains.
  11. I went to the last year of warp tour in 2019 at riverbend amphitheater. That's what shared grounds with Conery island I should of road the two coaster they had left at that time. They closed down I think after that season. They took the coasters out added I think a bigger pool and put in more seating and shelters for people to use for parts and field trips and such.
  12. I guess that want to make sure everything is fully working and all the bugs worked out by May of 2024
  13. I looked at the power point and found it interesting that Cedar fairs 15 parks had higher attendance then six flags 27Parks. I see some parks shutting down. I don't feel they mess with Cedar point and Kings Island. You also have to remember that most of the GP will not care or no that they merged. Just keep the ads off the cedar point and kings rides
  14. My Guess is that Test track will push hardcore on going green and will be based around ev's
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