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distinct riders

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About distinct riders

  • Birthday 08/08/1980

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  1. My parents took me to Orlando not long before Boardwalk and Baseball closed down, and we visited this park. Unfortunately back then I wasn't such a coaster enthusiast as I am now and I did not ride the Hurricane or the Double O. If I remember right the studios at the front of the park hosted a fake tv sports quiz show, can't remember what it was called. My dad was a contestant on that show and it was filmed for us as a souvenir. Have not got the video any more though. It was given to an American family (who we were friends with) as the tape would not work in our U.K. VCR! It's a real shame that park isn't there any more.
  2. I have 2 local parks near to me which are on the coast. 1. Pleasurewood Hills (Lowestoft, UK). For some time it has only had 2 coasters. A Zierer junior steel called "The Rattlesnake", and a rare Schwarzkopf Jumbo Jet called "Enigma". It's finally getting a new coaster this year........a Vekoma Boomerang called "Wipeout". I can't wait to ride that smooth Vekoma goodness!!!! 2. Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach. It's home to a rare wooden scenic railway coaster called "The Rollercoaster". Have fun! Carl (distinct riders)
  3. Hello everyone!!!!! I'm Carl (or Distinct Riders as my forum ID says) and this is my first post to the TPR forums, and my first Photo Trip Report. It's about time I stopped lurking in the background! This was my 2nd visit to Thorpe Park this year...........and the 2nd time I overslept, missed my train, and got to the park late. Doh! Me thinks this journey is jinxed!!! A power cut early in the morning had closed Colossus, Rush, Slammer, and X:/No Way Out until around 2:30pm. Only Slammer refused to wake up and stayed closed all day. Is this ride a dead duck or what??? I'm a big fan of S&S Sky Swatters, and I'd hate to see this ride removed, but it just never opens!!! Why have a ride in the park that stays shut all the time? I hate to say it but it might be a good thing if it WAS removed. Lunch was an interesting affair with a stupidly crowded pizza restaurant, an all day buffet, and only 1 counter with the food on it. The word "insane" comes to mind! Anyway on to the photos. Enjoy!!! Well there you go! We're now heading home after a fun but very rainy day. Hope you all enjoyed the photo trip report! It's the fish.........The Flying Fish. and it's now orange! errrr......there seems to be a new river forming outside the entrance to Pirates 4D. The heavy rain seems to be certainly noticable now! WTF?!? Look at the size of this queue for X:/No Way Out, the most pointless and strange ride ever! Surely not. Colossus is working now. It's rough but I like it! Hey!!! I'm trying out the cool specs from Pirates 4D. Oooooo.....it's an Intamin Rocket Coaster! You can't have a Thorpe Park TR without a Stealth photo. Here it is! Mr Monkey's Banana Ride. Get's my vote for best ride in the park!!!! Time for lunch, and it has got to be Pizza Hut. Hooray for the All Day Buffet! With our Ultimate Fastrack Passes, we turned this 1 hour 30 min queue into................a 5 min queue. That's gotta be good! Nemesis Inferno loop shot!!! Yay!! A ride that's open!!! Samurai was running a longer program today, but it's still not as extreme (or fun) as a travelling funfair version! Colossus is also closed. I'm now getting severe ride withdrawal symptoms! Rush is closed too. Looks like Quantum is closed for the day. .........a funky silver wristband! An "Ultimate Fastrack" pass. I don't think we'll be doing much queueing today! You have to exchange this ticket for........... We finally arrive at the park at 11:30am. Never mind, It's late but I'm not worried because I've got............ and introducing the other half of Distinct Riders.........my younger brother Chris! Hello!!!! It's Carl (Distinct Riders) on route to Thorpe Park. Eventually!
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