Demon Drop
NOTE!  Onride footage in this video has been shot by an experienced ride photographer. For rider safety reasons, Please DO NOT take a camera on any ride or roller coaster without proper training or permission from park management.
Comment on this video!
Posted Date : Mon 25th May 2009
Another version of this ride was known as the Texas Cliffhanger, right?
Posted Date : Tue 24th Feb 2009
Ah, Demon Drop...what a great ride! I have to ask, though, did Intamin feel you were only secure if the OTSR's dug into your gut? (Ouch!) Oh, and awesome video, Shane.
Posted Date : Tue 24th Feb 2009
Ah, Demon Drop...what a great ride! I have to ask, though, did Intamin feel you were only secure if the OTSR's dug into your gut? (Ouch!) Oh, and awesome video, Shane.
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