Arrow Promotional Video for Big Bad Wolf
NOTE!  Onride footage in this video has been shot by an experienced ride photographer. For rider safety reasons, Please DO NOT take a camera on any ride or roller coaster without proper training or permission from park management.
Comment on this video!
Posted Date : Fri 7th Aug 2009
i heard they were taking it down
Posted Date : Sun 10th May 2009
Yeah, I like it... I don't really like all the wolf howling crap stuff in the background! OMG, it's really annoying! Meh, still interesting stuff, and it's a promo. Thank's Shane!
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montezooma status
While not as good as the promotional video they produced for the Loch Ness Monster, is still shows what a GREAT ride the Big Bad Wolf is!
Busch  Gardens  "The  Old Country"  
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